Zephir giving error on windows: Installation is not implemented for windows yet

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-03-05 08:10:26


When i build extension with Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) it gives error:

Cannot load Xdebug - it was built with configuration

API220100525,TS,VC9, whereas running engine is API220100525,NTS,VC9

startPreparing for PHP compilation...

Preparing configuration file...


Installation is not implemented for windows yet! Aborting!

Link to extension+log-files zip: http://modsolutionz.com/utils.zip

Link to error image: http://modsolutionz.com/error1.png


As I'm the one who implemented win32 support:

Despite the other comments, zephir build is supported but zephir install is indeed not supported!

(as described in https://github.com/phalcon/zephir/blob/master/WINDOWS.md)

It also mentions that you just have to copy the built .dll to your PHP-directory.
(And of course enable it by adding it to the php.ini)

It also seems that you are using an incompatible XDebug Version.
(which was built against a TS version of PHP, but you are using a NTS)

The error message Installation is not implemented for windows yet! Aborting! has nothing to say, it has been compiled at that point.

(zephir build is basically a "generate" -> "compile" -> "install" where only the last step fails - which is irrelevant, but still prints that message)

TLDR: Check if a dll has been created, copy & install it

