I am trying to figure ou the proper way to combine Puppeteer and the GoogleCharts library to render Bar charts and export a PNG image of the chart.
The basic layout, mostly inspired by the Puppeteer documentation seems to be something like that, to create a new page with a canvas element.
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="chart" width="580" height="400"></canvas>
await browser.close();
I have found this npm package to work with Google Charts: https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-charts. The chart.draw
method seems to accept a DOM element in which it will render the chart.
According to the documentation of this package, the usage looks pretty simple.
const pie_1_chart = new GoogleCharts.api.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));
How can I execute the draw method so that it render the chart inside the #canvas
DOM element of the Puppeteer's page ?
Also, if you could give me an example of the proper way to export the page/canvas as a PNG image, that would be very appreciated.
NOTE: I browsed a lot to find an existing library/package that would do what I am trying to achieve, but the closest I could found is a TypeScript package for Chart.JS: https://github.com/SeanSobey/ChartjsNodePuppeteer. I am not familiar with TypeScript/ES6, so I don't know how I could adapt this library to make it work with the Google Charts library instead of Chart.JS.
I've set up a puppeteer code which loading Google Chart example page's Iframe and then screenshot the elementHandle
This is way too much faster and simpler than loading another library.
Next you can create HTML DOM with a div element and set up a Google Chart with it and take screenshot the div element.
const page = await browser.newPage()
const goto = await page.goto('https://developers-dot-devsite-v2-prod.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/barchart_9a8ce4c79b8da3fa2e73bee14869e01b6f7fb5150dc7540172d60b5680259b48.frame')
const wait = await page.waitForSelector('#chart_div > div', {'visible' : true, 'timeout' : 0})
const elem = await page.$('#chart_div')
const save = await elem.screenshot({path : 'googlechart.png' })