I want to generate an interactive plot with ggplotly(). The tooltip should show me the name of the variable.
interactive <- ggplotly(pca,dynamicTicks = T,tooltip = c("x","y",label = list))
pca is a visualization of a PCA. sub is a data.frame that contains variable names.
sub <- PCA(dataframe)
pca <- fviz_pca_ind(sub, pointsize = "cos2",
pointshape = 21, fill = "#E7B800",
repel = TRUE, # Avoid text overlapping (slow if many points)
geom = c("text","point"),
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2",label = animal_list
dataframe contains variable names and I want interactive to show those in the tooltip. tooltip =
does not help me much and changing properties in pca_individuals (like with label=
or something is not working either.
Thank you for your kind support.
I really appreciate your altruistic behaviour.
For playing around (the actual data frame is muuch bigger):
dataframe <- data_frame("c1"=c(78,89,0),"c2"=c(89,89,34),"c3"=c(56,0,4))
You can manually do the contents of the tooltips as follows:
dataframe <-
res.pca <- PCA(dataframe)
pca <- fviz_pca_ind(res.pca, pointsize = "cos2",
pointshape = 21, fill = "#E7B800",
repel = TRUE,
geom = c("text","point"),
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
ggly <- ggplotly(pca)
bggly <- plotly_build(ggly)
bggly$x$data[[1]]$text <-
with(pca$data, paste0("name: ", name,
"</br></br>x: ", x,
"</br>y: ", y,
"</br>coord: ", coord,
"</br>cos2: ", cos2,
"</br>contrib: ", contrib))