Is there a way to rotate the MATLAB legend inside a plot? The image below should clarify my requirement.
You'll need to play around with the positioning, and need to do more work if you have more than one line plotted, but the following does it for your example.
plot(1:10); % create a dummy line
ha = legend('Plot'); %create a legend
set(ha,'Units','pixels'); % set axes unit to pixels
pos = get(ha,'Position'); % get the axes position
set(ha,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2)-pos(3) pos(4) pos(3)]); % Set the new position
hc = get(ha,'Children'); % Get the legend contents
set(hc(3),'Position',[0.5 0.6 0],'Rotation',90); % Relocate and rotate text
set(hc(2),'Xdata',[0.5 0.5],'YData',[0.1 0.5]); % rotate the line
set(hc(1),'XData',0.5,'YData',0.3); % Rotate the Marker
The example is not fully automated but should set you on the right route. You need to rotate the box containing the legend, and the label with the text./
% Example plot
h = legend('something')
% Rotate legend
set(h,'CameraUpVector', [1 0 0], 'Units','pixels','position',[460 230 25 150])
% Rotate text label
txt = findobj(h,'type','text');
Unfortunately, the save as function restores the 'CameraUpVector'