
十年热恋 提交于 2020-02-27 06:42:34

1、To save pepole's lives. 救死扶伤。

2、I don't like any of my options. 我不喜欢我的所有选项。

3、You are on the wrong team. 你站错了队。

4、Never be afraid. 不要害怕。

5、People need ressurance. 人们需要保证。

6、Normal shoud be lower. 通常应该更低一些。

7、Nice work. 干的好。

8、Just friendly warning. 只是友情提示。

9、That's all we need. 这就够了。

10、Are you proud or disappointed? 你是骄傲还是失望?

11、I'm your neighbor. 我是你的邻居。

12、Everything has to be perfect. 一切必须万无一失。

13、 scut work 打杂

14、You're not gonna figure out what he's thinking. 你不知道他在想什么。

15、What should I do with him? 我该拿他怎么样?

16、Why can't you answer my questions? 你为什么不回答我的问题?

17、You start to think about your life. 你开始思考你的生活。

18、Doesn't matter how it happened! 事情的经过不重要。

19、We need rules. 我们需要规则。

20、We'll figure out the rest. 我们考虑剩下的。

21、You're exhausted. You're under a lot of stress. 你累坏了,你压力太大。

22、I'm trying to protect you because I love you. 我在试着保护你因为我爱你。

23、I need your support. 我需要你的支持。

24、Try and get some sleep. 试着休息。

25、I'm going the wrong direction. 我走错了方向。

26、It's so hard to motivate after work. 下班后很难激励自己。

27、You shoud be able to use your common sense when somebody says something. 当别人说什么时,你应该能够运用常识。

28、You shoud figure out what they really mean. 你应该弄清楚他们真正的含义。

29、I'm confident. 我自信。

30、I'm trying to get to know you. 我试着去理解你。

31、This is exactly what I'm talking about. 这正是我想说的。

32、I'm gonna knock your teeth out. 我就把你打得满地找牙。

33、My door's always open.我的们经常开着。

34、You'l gonna be fine. 你会好起来的。

35、Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

36、Don't be an idiot! 别傻了!

37、Nothing else need be said. 无需多言。

38、Doesn't he have the right to know the truth? 他有权知道真相。

39、It doesn't really matter anyway. 那都无所谓了。

40、I'm not afraid about the actual death part. 我不害怕死亡的事实。

41、Everyone makes mistakes. 所有人都会犯错。

42、Fighting death is what keeps us alive. 与死亡作斗争才是使我们存活的关键。

43、It was pretty awesome. 太棒了。

44、Then none for you. 没你的份。

45、No one goes home till we're all clear. 事情没完,谁都不准回家。

46、You have to think clearly, quickly, methodically. 你必须清楚地,快速地,有条不紊地思考。

47、We'll figure it out. 我们会商量的。

48、Crying is normal。哭泣很正常。

49、People need time to adjust to big changes. 人们需要时间来适应巨变。

50、What do you have to think about? 还有什么需要考虑的?

51、It's a good idea! It's a brilliant idea. 这是个好主意! 这是一个绝妙的主意。

52、Every day we learn new things. 我们每天都能学到新东西。

53、You don't need to talk. Just listen to her. 你不用说话。只需倾听就行。

54、He knows what makes him happy. 他知道什么让他快乐。

55、Keep thinking outside the box. 挣脱思维定势。

56、You judged me just right.你对我的评判很准确。

57、You got to find a way to keep going. 您必须找到一种继续前进的方法。

58、Put it behind me. 放下了。

59、Feels like the end of story. 应该结束了。

60、He has my complete confidence. 我对他信心十足。

61、They will eat you up. 他们会吞噬你。

61、On my way.这就过去。

62、All I'm doing is sitting with you. 我能作的就是陪着你。

63、Stay as long as you want. 你想待多久就待多久。

64、He has a very unique mind. 他思维非常独特。

65、Sometimes, a woman wants advice, and sometimes, she just wants support.


