I want to annotate a fully qualified class name with @Nullable
-annotation (from the Java Checker Framework), e.g.:
class Demo {
private transient @Nullable org.apache.lucene.search.Query cached_results;
// ...
However this results in the error:
scoping construct cannot be annotated with type-use annotation: @checkers.nullness.quals.Nullable
How can I annotate fully qualified class names?
The Java language specification (draft for version 8) §8.3 specifies a "UnannClassType" as
Identifier [TypeArguments]
UnannClassOrInterfaceType . {Annotation} Identifier [TypeArguments]
Thus, you need the declaration:
private transient org.apache.lucene.search.@Nullable Query cached_results;
Or in the augmented java 7 compiler of the checker framework:
private transient org.apache.lucene.search./*@Nullable*/ Query cached_results;
NOTE: normal Java compilers ignore /*@Nullable*/