I'm sending queries to my server using native fetch from Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox:
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
credentials: 'include'
I set up a server to send a response after 3 minutes and realized that both browsers only wait 2 minutes. Firefox resend the request once more before failing.
Is there a way to define a timeout bigger than 2 minutes (say infinite)?
As far as I read fetch()'s documentation on MDN, it does not have any way to specify a timeout.
You can use request or axios module if you are using nodejs. or you can use XMLHttpRequest (plain javascript in browser).
For more information HTTP request timeouts in JavaScript
I resorted to
async function fetchJSON(url: string, data: any = {}, method: string = "POST"): Promise<any> {
const start = new Date().getSeconds();
while (new Date().getSeconds() - start < 10) {
try {
const res = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body: JSON.stringify(data)
try {
return await res.json();
} catch (e) {
if (res.status < 400) {
return res.status;
} else {
throw e;
} catch (e) {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
that is, the timeout is 10 seconds.
To make the timeout "infinite" I use this:
fetch (serverUrl)
( resp => resp.json()
( json => $cback (json)
( e => $cback (e)
The '$cback' is an in-scope visible callback-function which detects if it's 1st argument is an instanceof Error. If so it will make a new call to fetch(). If it does NOT detect it is an error it uses the response for whatever it was intended, and then makes a new call to fetch.
This seems to work great on FireFox. The fetch does not timeout which is what I want. Unfortunately on Chrome fetch() ALWAYS times out in about 2 minutes That causes the catch-clause to fire, in other words the timeout is seen as an error. But I catch it.
The real problem for me on Chrome is that even though I catch the error it still produces an error-entry in the log about the no-response-request. So if users leave their browser open before going to lunch they will see many error-messages in their browser-log (if they care to look) and I'm afraid the number of errors there will cause them to "freak out".