I have three Apis for categories,subcategories and policies.
For eg:
In the case of category, I have to pass the body(raw data) as above json for the above Api
Api Response: Listed out all categories
{ "data":
categoryName: category1,
categoryName: category2,
so on....
In the case of sub-category, I have to pass the body(raw data) as above json for the above Api
"searchTerm":"PROJECT:projectName1,CATEGORY: category1"
Api Response: Listed out all subcategory of category1(because we give searchTerm by categoryName)
{ "data":
categoryName: null,
subCategoryName: subcategory1,
categoryName: null,
subCategoryName: subcategory2,
so on....
In the case of control, I have to pass the body(raw data) as above json for the above Api
"searchTerm":"PROJECT:projectName1,SUB-CATEGORY: subcategory1"
Api Response: Listed out all Control of subcategory1(because we give searchTerm by subcategoryname)
{ "data":
categoryName: null,
subCategoryName: null,
controlName: control1
categoryName: null,
subCategoryName: null,
controlName: control2
so on....
When I open the 1st policy and after that, I open the next one. But the categories of second policy is automatically updated in first policy.
For calling these Apis, I used three get method for getCategory(),getSubcategory(),getControl().
I am attaching stackblitz example..
In stackBlitz I used three methods(like the method which I used)
open(i)====> I take index,i value for taking the policy values(but in my Api, I have to sent categoryName to get subcategory)
subOpen(i)====> I take index,j value for taking the subCategory values(but in my Api, I have to sent subCategory to get controls)
Here, https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-9q4fbn?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html.
Can you please tell me how to solve this??
Your data is already structured in a way that makes sense for binding it to your view. There's no need to micromanage references to parts of your data tree.
The logical issue you were having is that even though you were looping over categories in your tree, you were binding to the same reference of subCategories. Updating the reference to dropdownData1
or dropdownData2
changes the display for all categories.
It's actually much simpler to do what you want. Just use your existing data structure as it is.
Here's the new view:
<ng-container *ngFor='let policy of dropdownData'>
<td (click)="policy.expand = !policy.expand">
<span class="{{policy.expand ?'fa fa-angle-down':'fa fa-angle-right'}}"></span>
<td class="text-center">
<span class="label success">{{policy.policyName}}</span>
<ng-container *ngIf="policy.expand && policy.categories && policy.categories.length">
<ng-container *ngFor='let category of policy.categories'>
<td (click)="category.expand = !category.expand">
<span style="margin-left: 20px;" class="{{category.expand ?'fa fa-angle-down':'fa fa-angle-right'}}"></span>
<td class="text-center">
<span class="label success">{{category.categoryName}}</span>
<ng-container *ngIf="category.expand && category.subCategories && category.subCategories.length">
<ng-container *ngFor='let subcategory of category.subCategories'>
<td (click)="subcategory.expand = !subcategory.expand">
<span style="margin-left: 40px;" class="{{subcategory.expand ?'fa fa-angle-down':'fa fa-angle-right'}"></span>
<td class="text-center">
<span class="label success">{{subcategory.subCategoryName}}</span>
Here's the new component class:
export class AppComponent {
name = "Angular";
dropdownData: any;
data = {
policy: [
policyName: "a1",
name: "policy 1.1",
expand: false,
categories: [
categoryName: "c1",
name: "category 1.1",
expand: false,
subCategories: [
subCategoryName: "s1",
name: "subCategory 1.1"
subCategoryName: "s2",
name: "subCategory 1.2"
categoryName: "c2",
name: "category 1.2",
expand: false,
subCategories: [
subCategoryName: "s5",
name: "subCategory 2.1"
subCategoryName: "s6",
name: "subCategory 2.2"
policyName: "a2",
name: "policy 1.2",
expand: false,
categories: [
categoryName: "c4",
name: "category 1.1",
expand: false,
subCategories: [
subCategoryName: "s13",
name: "subCategory 1.1"
categoryName: "c5",
name: "category 1.2",
expand: false,
subCategories: [
subCategoryName: "s17",
name: "subCategory 2.1"
subCategoryName: "s18",
name: "subCategory 2.2"
categoryName: "c6",
name: "category 1.3",
expand: false,
subCategories: [
subCategoryName: "s21",
name: "subCategory 3.1"
ngOnInit() {
this.dropdownData = this.data.policy;
console.log("dataas", this.dropdownData);
expand(collection, expandedItem) {
collection.forEach(item => item.expand = item.id === expandedItem.id);