I'm trying to position elements in my Canvas
relative to my background.
Window is re-sized keeping the aspect ratio. Background is stretched with window size.
The problem is once window is re-sized the element positions are incorrect. If window is re-sized just a little, elements will adjust their size a bit and would be still in the correct position, but if window is re-sized to double it's size then positioning is completely off.
So far I used Grid
, but it was to no avail as well. Here is the XAML
<Window x:Class="CanvasTEMP.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" ResizeMode="CanResizeWithGrip" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" MinHeight="386" MinWidth="397.5" Name="MainWindow1"
xmlns:c="clr-namespace:CanvasTEMP" Loaded="onLoad" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Height="386" Width="397.5" WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" Topmost="True" Opacity="0.65">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<Canvas Height="77" Width="218">
<Label Content="{Binding OwnerData.OwnerName}" Height="36" Canvas.Left="8" Canvas.Top="55" Width="198" Padding="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<ImageBrush ImageSource="Resources\default_mapping.png" Stretch="Uniform"/>
<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding OwnerData.left}" />
<Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding OwnerData.top}" />
Class that is used for data binding
public class Owner : INotifyPropertyChanged
public double _left;
public double _top;
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
public double top { get { return _top; }
if (value != _top)
_top = value;
public double left
get { return _left; }
if (value != _left)
_left = value;
public string icon { get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "none passed")
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public class ForDisplay
public Owner OwnerData { get; set; }
public int Credit { get; set; }
And here is the code that is run every second to keep elements' position relative to window size
items[0].OwnerData.left = this.Width * (10 / Defaul_WindowSize_Width);
items[0].OwnerData.top = this.Height * (55 / Defaul_WindowSize_Height);
10 and 50 are default Canvas.Left
and Canvas.Top
that are used when window is first initialized.
Would appreciate if anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong.
Although this post is old, it can still be helpful so here is my answer.
I came up with two ways for maintaining a relative position for elements in a Canvas
- MultiValueConverter
- Attached Properties
The idea is to provide two values (x,y) in range [0,1] that will define the relative position of the element with respect to the top-left corner of the Canvas
. These (x,y) values will be used to calculate and set the correct Canvas.Left
and Canvas.Top
The MultiValueConverter RelativePositionConverter
This converter can be used to relatively position the X and/or Y position when binding with Canvas.Left
and Canvas.Top
public class RelativePositionConverter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (values?.Length < 2
|| !(values[0] is double relativePosition)
|| !(values[1] is double size)
|| !(parameter is string)
|| !double.TryParse((string)parameter, out double relativeToValue))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
return relativePosition * relativeToValue - size / 2;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Example usage of RelativePositionConverter
A Canvas
width and height are binded to an Image
. The Canvas
has a child element - an Ellipse
that maintains a relative position with the Canvas
(and Image
<Grid Margin="10">
<Image x:Name="image" Source="Images/example-graph.png" />
<Canvas Background="#337EEBE8" Width="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualHeight}">
<Ellipse Width="35" Height="35" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="#D8FFFFFF" Stroke="#FFFBF73C">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource RelativePositionConverter}" ConverterParameter="0.461">
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Canvas}" Path="ActualWidth" />
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" Path="ActualWidth" />
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource RelativePositionConverter}" ConverterParameter="0.392">
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Canvas}" Path="ActualHeight" />
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" Path="ActualHeight" />
Attached Properties
The Attached Properties RelativeXProperty
, RelativeYProperty
and RelativePositionProperty
can be used to control the X and/or Y relative positioning with two separate attached properties.RelativePositionProperty
can be used to control the X and Y relative positioning with a single attached property.
public static class CanvasExtensions
public static readonly DependencyProperty RelativeXProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RelativeX", typeof(double), typeof(CanvasExtensions), new PropertyMetadata(0.0, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnRelativeXChanged)));
public static readonly DependencyProperty RelativeYProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RelativeY", typeof(double), typeof(CanvasExtensions), new PropertyMetadata(0.0, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnRelativeYChanged)));
public static readonly DependencyProperty RelativePositionProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RelativePosition", typeof(Point), typeof(CanvasExtensions), new PropertyMetadata(new Point(0, 0), new PropertyChangedCallback(OnRelativePositionChanged)));
public static double GetRelativeX(DependencyObject obj)
return (double)obj.GetValue(RelativeXProperty);
public static void SetRelativeX(DependencyObject obj, double value)
obj.SetValue(RelativeXProperty, value);
public static double GetRelativeY(DependencyObject obj)
return (double)obj.GetValue(RelativeYProperty);
public static void SetRelativeY(DependencyObject obj, double value)
obj.SetValue(RelativeYProperty, value);
public static Point GetRelativePosition(DependencyObject obj)
return (Point)obj.GetValue(RelativePositionProperty);
public static void SetRelativePosition(DependencyObject obj, Point value)
obj.SetValue(RelativePositionProperty, value);
private static void OnRelativeXChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(d is FrameworkElement element)) return;
if (!(VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) is Canvas canvas)) return;
canvas.SizeChanged += (s, arg) =>
double relativeXPosition = GetRelativeX(element);
double xPosition = relativeXPosition * canvas.ActualWidth - element.ActualWidth / 2;
Canvas.SetLeft(element, xPosition);
private static void OnRelativeYChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(d is FrameworkElement element)) return;
if (!(VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) is Canvas canvas)) return;
canvas.SizeChanged += (s, arg) =>
double relativeYPosition = GetRelativeY(element);
double yPosition = relativeYPosition * canvas.ActualHeight - element.ActualHeight / 2;
Canvas.SetTop(element, yPosition);
private static void OnRelativePositionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(d is FrameworkElement element)) return;
if (!(VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) is Canvas canvas)) return;
canvas.SizeChanged += (s, arg) =>
Point relativePosition = GetRelativePosition(element);
double xPosition = relativePosition.X * canvas.ActualWidth - element.ActualWidth / 2;
double yPosition = relativePosition.Y * canvas.ActualHeight - element.ActualHeight / 2;
Canvas.SetLeft(element, xPosition);
Canvas.SetTop(element, yPosition);
Example usage of RelativeXProperty
and RelativeYProperty
<Grid Margin="10">
<Image x:Name="image" Source="Images/example-graph.png" />
<Canvas Background="#337EEBE8" Width="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualHeight}">
<Ellipse Width="35" Height="35" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="#D8FFFFFF" Stroke="#FFFBF73C"
Example usage of RelativePositionProperty
<Grid Margin="10">
<Image x:Name="image" Source="Images/example-graph.png" />
<Canvas Background="#337EEBE8" Width="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=image, Path=ActualHeight}">
<Ellipse Width="35" Height="35" StrokeThickness="5" Fill="#D8FFFFFF" Stroke="#FFFBF73C"
And hear is how it looks:
The Ellipse
that is a child of a Canvas
maintains a relative position with respect to the Canvas
(and an Image
You need an attach property:
public static readonly DependencyProperty RelativeProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Relative", typeof(double), typeof(MyControl));
public static double GetRelative(DependencyObject o)
return (double)o.GetValue(RelativeProperty);
public static void SetRelative(DependencyObject o, double value)
o.SetValue(RelativeProperty, value);
and a converter:
public class RelativePositionConverter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
var rel = (double)values[0];
var width = (double)values[1];
return rel * width;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
and when you add child to Canvas
you need like this:
var child = new Child();
SetRelative(child, currentPosition / ActualWidth);
var multiBinding = new MultiBinding { Converter = new RelativePositionConverter() };
multiBinding.Bindings.Add(new Binding { Source = child, Path = new PropertyPath(RelativeProperty) });
multiBinding.Bindings.Add(new Binding { Source = canvas, Path = new PropertyPath(ActualWidthProperty) });
BindingOperations.SetBinding(child, LeftProperty, multiBinding);
If you need, you can change Relative value of child separate of Canvas