二叉搜索树(BST,Binary Search Tree),也称二叉排序树或二叉查找树。
- 非空左子树的所有键值小于其根结点的键值;
- 非空右子树的所有键值大于其根结点的键值;
- 左右子树都是二叉搜索树;
- The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
- The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
- The left and right subtrees each must also be a binary search tree.
- Each node can have up to two successor nodes.
- There must be no duplicate nodes.
- A unique path exists from the root to every other node.
Position Find(ElementType X,BinTree BST):从二叉搜索树BST查找元素X,返回其所在结点的地址;
Position FindMin(BinTree BST):从二叉搜索树BST中查找并返回最小元素所在结点的地址;
Position FindMax(BinTree BST):从二叉搜索树BST中查找并返回最大元素所在结点的地址;
BinTree Insert(ElementType X,BinTree BST):把元素X结点插入到二叉搜索树BST中;
BinTree Delete(ElementType X,BinTree BST):从二叉搜索树BST中删除元素X结点;
- 如果X小于根结点的键值,只需在左子树中继续搜索;
- 如果X大于根结点的键值,只需在右子树中继续搜索;
- 若两者比较结果是相等,搜索完成,返回指向此结点的指针;
1 Position BST_Find(ElementType X, BinTree BST) 2 { 3 if(BST == NULL) 4 return NULL; 5 6 if(X > BST->Data) 7 return BST_Find(X, BST->Right); 8 else if(X < BST->Data) 9 return BST_Find(X, BST->Left); 10 else 11 return BST; 12 }
1 Postion BST_Find_ext(ElementType X, BinTree BST) 2 { 3 while(BST != NULL) 4 { 5 if(X > BST->Data) 6 BST = BST->Right; 7 else if(X < BST->Data) 8 BST = BST->Left; 9 else 10 return BST; 11 } 12 return NULL; 13 }
1 Position BST_FindMin(BinTree BST) 2 { 3 if(BST == NULL) 4 return NULL; 5 else if(BST->Left == NULL) 6 return BST; 7 else 8 return BST_FindMin(BST->Left); 9 } 10 11 Position BST_FindMax(BinTree BST) 12 { 13 if(BST == NULL) 14 return NULL; 15 else if(BST->Right == NULL) 16 return BST; 17 else 18 return BST_FindMax(BST->Right); 19 }
1 Position BST_FindMin_ext(BinTree BST) 2 { 3 if(BST != NULL) 4 { 5 while(BST->Left != NULL) 6 BST = BST->Left; 7 } 8 return BST; 9 } 10 11 Position BST_FindMax_ext(BinTree BST) 12 { 13 if(BST != NULL) 14 { 15 while(BST->Right != NULL) 16 BST = BST->Right; 17 } 18 return BST; 19 }
1 BinTree BST_Insert(ElementType X, BinTree BST) 2 { 3 if(BST == NULL) 4 { 5 // 若原树为空,生成并返回一个结点的二叉搜索树 6 BST = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode)); 7 BST->Data = X; 8 BST->Left = NULL; 9 BST->Right = NULL; 10 } 11 else 12 { 13 // 开始找要插入元素的位置 14 if(X < BST->Data) 15 BST->Left = BST_Insert(X, BST->Left); // 递归插入左子树 16 else if(X > BST->Data) 17 BST->Right = BST_Insert(X, BST->Right); // 递归插入右子树 18 // else X已经存在,什么都不做 19 } 20 return BST; 21 }
- 要删除的是叶结点:直接删除,并修改其父结点指针置为NULL;
- 要删除的结点只有一个孩子结点:将其父结点的指针指向要删除结点的孩子结点;
- 要删除的结点有左右两棵子树:用另一个结点替代被删除结点,右子树的最小元素 或者 左子树的最大元素;
1 BinTree BST_Delete(ElementType X, BinTree BST) 2 { 3 Position Tmp; 4 5 if(BST == NULL) 6 { 7 printf("warning: xxx\n"); // 未找到要删除的元素 8 } 9 else if(X < BST->Data) 10 { 11 BST->Left = BST_Delete(X, BST->Left); // 左子树递归删除 12 } 13 else if(X > BST->Data) 14 { 15 BST->Right = BST_Delete(X, BST->Right); // 右子树递归删除 16 } 17 else 18 { 19 // 被删除结点有左右两个子结点 20 if(BST->Left != NULL && BST->Right != NULL) 21 { 22 // 在右子树中找到最小的元素填充删除结点 23 Tmp = BST_FindMin(BST->Right); 24 BST->Data = Tmp->Data; 25 // 在删除结点的右子树中删除最小元素 26 BST->Right = BST_Delete(BST->Data, BST->Right); 27 } 28 else // 被删除结点有一个或无子结点 29 { 30 Tmp = BST; 31 if(BST->Left == NULL) // 有右孩子或者无子结点 32 BST = BST->Right; 33 else if(BST->Right == NULL) // 有左孩子或者无子结点 34 BST = BST->Left; 35 free(Tmp); 36 } 37 } 38 return BST; 39 }
Binary_search_tree :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree