MVC with Owin JWT Identity

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-02-21 01:45:29


I am trying to figure out how to get the claim out of my token. I will try an keep the explanation short

  • I have an HTML page that does a post to my web api, does and auth check and returns an JWT token
  • when i get the token back i want to send it to different url, and the way i am doing it is using a querystring. I know i can use cookies but for this app we dont want to use them. So if my url looks like this http://somedomain/checkout/?token=bearer token comes here

I am using Owin middleware and this is what i have so far

app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions
                Provider = new ApplicationOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider(),

public class ApplicationOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
            : OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider

            public override Task RequestToken(OAuthRequestTokenContext context)
                if (context == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

                var token = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["token"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    context.Token = token;
                return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

But how do i get the Claims out of the Token or just check the IsAuthenticated

I tried the Following inside my controller just to check, but the IsAuthenticated is always false

var identity = (ClaimsIdentity) HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.Identity;
  if (!identity.IsAuthenticated)

  var id = identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);


OK so I managed to figure it out. The above code that I had is all working well but I needed to add the UseJwtBearerAuthentication middle ware.

One thing I did end up changing from my original code was i changed the context.Token = token; to context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", new[] { string.Format("Bearer {0}", token) });

So my startup class looks like this...

public partial class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions
                Provider = new ApplicationOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider(),


        private static JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions JwtOptions()
            var key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["auth:key"]);
            var jwt = new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
                TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                    ValidAudience = Some Audience,
                    ValidIssuer = Some Issuer,
                    IssuerSigningToken = new BinarySecretSecurityToken(key),
                    RequireExpirationTime = false,
                    ValidateLifetime = false
            return jwt;

        public class ApplicationOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
            : OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider

            public override Task RequestToken(OAuthRequestTokenContext context)
                if (context == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

                var token = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["token"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", new[] { string.Format("Bearer {0}", token) });
                return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

