Sending push notification to Android from Java server using Urban airship

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-02-20 21:34:34


I want to use Urban airship to deliver Push notification to Android. I can send Push notification from Urban Airship site but i don't know how can i send messages in Java application using urban Airship web service.

i don't want to go to their site and send message to any Android device i just wanted my personal website (developed in Java EE) to use their service and send messages to android devices.

plz share any code or toturial
Thanks in advance


This project in bitbucket encapsulates the Urban Airship REST API in Java.

The project has external dependencies on following libraries:

  • commons codec
  • commons logging
  • google gson
  • apache http client
  • apache http core

Once downloaded and compiled, you can send the push notification with following code:

public static void sendNotification() {
        Push push = new Push();

        // For Android
        Android android = new Android();
        android.setAlert("hi there");

        // For iOS
        // APS aps = new APS();
        // aps.setBadge(1);
        // aps.setAlert("hi there");
        // aps.setSound("default");
        // aps.setData("additinoal data");
        // push.setAps(aps);

        UrbanAirshipClient uac = new UrbanAirshipClient("app key",
                "master app key");


urbanairship4j (available on Google Code) uses Google HTTP Java Client so works perfectly on any Java environment (inc. AppEngine, Android, etc).


Try using the official Urban Airship Java API - This should help you get started...

