Check if string is a punctuation character

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-27 15:31:01
Karthik T

Do you want to check more punctuations other than just .?

If so you can do this.

String punctuations = ".,:;";//add all the punctuation marks you want.

Here is one way to do it with regular expressions:

if (Pattern.matches("\\p{Punct}", str)) {

The \p{Punct} regular expression is a POSIX pattern representing a single punctuation character.

Depending on your needs, you could use either

Pattern.matches("\\p{Punct}", str)


Pattern.matches("\\p{IsPunctuation}", str)

The first pattern matches the following 32 characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

The second pattern matches a whopping 632 unicode characters, including, for example: «, », ¿, ¡, §, , , , , , and .

Interestingly, not all of the 32 characters matched by the first pattern are matched by the second. The second pattern does not match the following 9 characters: $, +, <, =, >, ^, `, |, and ~ (which the first pattern does match).

If you want to match for any character from either character set, you could do:

Pattern.matches("[\\p{Punct}\\p{IsPunctuation}]", str)

Try this method: Character.isLetter(). It returns true if the character is a letter (a-z, uppercase or lowercase), returns false if character is numeric or symbol.

e.g. boolean answer = Character.isLetter('!');

answer will be equal to false.

import String ... if(string.punctuation.contains(letter[a]))

function has_punctuation(str) {

  var p_found = false;
  var punctuations = '`~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?-=[]\;\'.\/,';
  $.each(punctuations.split(''), function(i, p) {
    if (str.indexOf(p) != -1) p_found = true;

  return p_found;
