Compiling code containing dynamic parallelism fails

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-27 15:14:02

You can do something like this

nvcc -arch=sm_35 -rdc=true -o simple1 -lcudadevrt


If you have 2 files and test.c then you can do something as below. This is called seperate compilation.

nvcc -arch=sm_35 -dc 
nvcc -arch=sm_35 -dlink simple1.o -o link.o -lcudadevrt
g++ -c test.c 
g++ link.o simple1.o test.o -o simple -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/ -lcudart

The same is explained in the cuda programming guide

From Visual Studio 2010:

1) View -> Property Pages
2) Configuration Properties -> CUDA C/C++ -> Common -> Generate Relocatable Device Code -> Yes (-rdc=true)
3) Configuration Properties -> CUDA C/C++ -> Device -> Code Generation -> compute_35,sm_35
4) Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> cudadevrt.lib

You need to let nvcc generate CC 3.5 code for your device. This can be done by adding this option to nvcc command line.

 -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35

You may find the CUDA samples on dynamic parallelism for more detail. They contain both command line options and project settings for all supported OS.
