- 查询学习课程”python”比课程 “java” 成绩高的学生的学号;
– 思路:
– 获取所有有python课程的人(学号,成绩) - 临时表
– 获取所有有java课程的人(学号,成绩) - 临时表
– 根据学号连接两个临时表:
– 学号 | 物理成绩 | 生物成绩
– 然后再进行筛选12345
select A.s_id from (select s_id, num as python from score left join course on score.c_id = course.c_id where course.c_name = 'python') as A left join (select s_id, num as java from score left join course on score.c_id = course.c_id where course.c_name = 'java') as B on A.s_id = B.s_id where A.python > B.java;
SELECT student.s_name as names, round(AVG(score.num), 2) as averageFROM student, scoreWHERE student.s_id = score.s_idGROUP BY student.s_nameHAVING AVG(score.num) > 65;
SELECT student.s_name, COUNT(score.s_id) as course_num, SUM(score.num) as total_gradesFROM student, scoreWHERE student.s_id = score.s_idGROUP BY student.s_nameORDER BY student.s_name;
SELECT course.c_name, teacher.t_name FROM course, teacherWHERE course.t_id = teacher.t_id;
SELECT s_nameFROM studentWHERE student.s_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT score.s_id FROM score, course, teacher WHERE course.c_id = score.c_id AND teacher.t_id = course.t_id AND teacher.t_name = 'alex' )
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id AND (course.c_name = 'python' OR course.c_name = 'java')) as BLEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) > 1;
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course, teacher WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id AND teacher.t_id = course.t_id AND teacher.t_name = 'alex') as B LEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) = (SELECT COUNT(course.c_id) FROM course, teacher WHERE teacher.t_id = course.t_id AND teacher.t_name='alex');
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id AND (score.num < 60 OR score.num ISNULL)) as B LEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) > 1;
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id AND score.num < 60) as B LEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_name;
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id) as B LEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM course);SELECT s_name FROMstudentLEFT JOIN score ON student.s_id = score.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM course)
SELECT s_nameFROM student, scoreWHERE student.s_id = score.s_id AND student.s_name != '貂蝉' AND score.c_id IN (SELECT c_id FROM score, student WHERE score.s_id = student.s_id AND student.s_name = '貂蝉')GROUP BY s_name;
SELECT s_name FROM (SELECT score.s_id as sid, score.c_id as cid FROM score, course, student WHERE score.c_id = course.c_id AND student.s_id = score.s_id AND student.s_name != '貂蝉' AND score.c_id in (SELECT c_id FROM score, student WHERE student.s_name = '貂蝉' AND student.s_id = score.s_id) ) as BLEFT JOIN student ON B.sid = student.s_idGROUP BY s_nameHAVING COUNT(s_name) >= (SELECT COUNT(score.c_id) FROM score, student WHERE student.s_name = '貂蝉' AND student.s_id = score.s_id);
– ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
– INSERT INTO student VALUES (1, ‘鲁班’, 12, ‘男’);
– INSERT INTO student VALUES (2, ‘貂蝉’, 20, ‘女’);
– INSERT INTO student VALUES (3, ‘刘备’, 35, ‘男’);
– INSERT INTO student VALUES (4, ‘关羽’, 34, ‘男’);
– INSERT INTO student VALUES (5, ‘张飞’, 33, ‘女’);
– INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (1, ‘大王’);
– INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (2, ‘alex’);
– INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (3, ‘egon’);
– INSERT INTO teacher VALUES (4, ‘peiqi’);
– INSERT INTO course VALUES (1, ‘python’, 1);
– INSERT INTO course VALUES (2, ‘java’, 2);
– INSERT INTO course VALUES (3, ‘linux’, 3);
– INSERT INTO course VALUES (4, ‘go’, 2);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (1, 1, 1, 79);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (2, 1, 2, 77);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (3, 1, 3, 58);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (4, 2, 2, 66);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (5, 2, 3, 77);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (6, 3, 1, 61);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (7, 3, 2, 64);
– INSERT INTO score VALUES (8, 4, 3, 70);