This question is a follow-up to this one: Isotope grid + corner stamp removing empty spaces, sorting logic
The answer there works flawlessly on the unfiltered isotope layout. Once some elements are removed though, this functionality stops working.
I am wondering if there is a good way to modify the code in the previous answer in order to accommodate for this.
Here is a fiddle with a basic filter added on click of the corner-stamp: http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/13/
Note when, after clicking the corner-stamp to filter, you click on element 11 or 15 the layout has gaps once again.
here you have the solution: http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/14/
$('.corner-stamp').click( function() {
$container.isotope( 'destroy' );
$container.isotope('remove', $('.item:not(.odd)') )
$container.isotope('updateSortData', $('.item.odd'));
Fixed answer: http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/16/
The problem was here:
getSortData : {
fitOrder : function( $item ) {
var index = $item.index();
It should be:
getSortData : {
fitOrder : function( $item ) {
var index = $item.index(selector);
And this way we can remove the ugly -1
we had in the sorting logic:
if ( $item.hasClass('large')) {
order = Math.floor((index-1) / (columns))*(columns) + 1.5;
order = Math.floor((index-1) / (columns-1))*(columns-1) + .5;
if ( $item.hasClass('large')) {
order = Math.floor((index) / (columns))*(columns) + 1.5;
order = Math.floor((index) / (columns-1))*(columns-1) + .5;
That's because
- When we have all boxes, box1's index is 0, box2's index is 1, box3's index is 2...
- When we have the odd ones, box1's index is 0, box3's index is 1, box5's index is 2...
So we break the correspondence between a box's text and its index in order to mantain the sorting logic.
$('.corner-stamp').click( function() {
$container.isotope( 'destroy' );
We need $('.item:not(.odd)').css('display','none')
because if we don't do that the even boxes are shown under the animated odd boxes.
Edit 2:
Do you remember that I found that http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/8/ had a bug: boxes number 13,17,21 (at the end of the row), when clicked, they went to the following row instead to the beginning of its row; so I fixed it in http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/9/?
But after that it seems we had a regresion and the fixed sorting logic was replaced by the old one.
So I fixed your http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/19/ in http://jsfiddle.net/zewkG/20/
The fixed sorting logic is:
if ($item.hasClass('large')) {
order = Math.floor((index-1) / (columns))*(columns) + 1.5;
order = Math.floor((index) / (columns-1))*(columns-1) + .5;
}else {
order = index + 1;