I have table T1 with IDs:
I have table T2 with ID and GROUP_TRACKING time because record can be multiple times at specific group. GROUP_TRACKING time is ALN type (STRING) and this cannot be changed but it contains always duration value in hh:mm:ss where hh column always has at least 2 characters but of course it can contain and more characters in case when record has been is some group for very long period of time:
1 GROUP1 05:55:05
1 GROUP1 10:10:00
1 GROUP2 111:51:00
1 GROUP2 01:01:00
So I need to made SELECT clause from T1 table and to join T2 table to track for each group (G1 and G2) how much time it spent for that specific group.
So the final result should be like this:
1 16:05:05 112:52:00
2 null null
How to make this SELECT SUM of these duration in hours and minutes calculation?
Thank you
Here is a solution without the pivot step (which can be looked up in many other ansers)
with temp as (
select id
, group
, group_tracking
, SUBSTR(group_tracking, 1,LOCATE(':',group_tracking)-1) * 3600 as First_PART_in_s
, SUBSTR(group_tracking, LOCATE(':',group_tracking)+1,2) * 60 as Second_PART_in_s
, SUBSTR(group_tracking, LOCATE(':',group_tracking, LOCATE(':',group_tracking)+1)+1, 2) as Third_PART_in_s
from t2
select t1.id
, t.group
, int(sum(First_PART_in_s + Second_PART_in_s + Third_PART_in_s) / 360000) || replace(char(time('00:00:00') + mod(sum(First_PART_in_s + Second_PART_in_s + Third_PART_in_s),360000) seconds,ISO),'.',':') as duration
from t1
left join temp t
on t1.id = t.id
group by t1.id, group
I completly agree with @Clockwork-Muse that formats matter and using this inadequate format imposes lots of additional effort for reformatting or deconstructing and re-constructing things.