java Double Map HashMap Integer Null

余生长醉 提交于 2020-02-05 05:24:24

Complete the function, which calculates how much you need to tip based on the total amount of the bill and the service.
You need to consider the following ratings:
Terrible: tip 0%
Poor: tip 5%
Good: tip 10%
Great: tip 15%
Excellent: tip 20%
The rating is case insensitive (so “great” = “GREAT”). If an unrecognised rating is received, then you need to return:
“Rating not recognised” in Javascript, Python and Ruby…
…or null in Java
或 java里的 null
…or -1 in C#
Because you’re a nice person, you always round up the tip, regardless of the service.

public static Integer  method(double amount,String rating ){
         Double mid= count(rating);
         if(mid==null)return null;
         Double rate=amount * mid;
        return (int) Math.ceil(rate);
    public static Double count(String rat)
        switch (rat.toLowerCase()){
            case "terrible":
                return 0.0;
            case "poor":
                return 0.05;
            case "good":
                return 0.1;
            case "great":
                return 0.15;
            case "excellent":
                return 0.20;
                return null;
import java.util.*;
public class TipCalculator {
  public static Integer calculateTip(double amount, String rating) {
    switch(rating.toUpperCase()) {
    case "TERRIBLE": return 0;
    case "POOR": return (int)Math.ceil(0.05*amount);
    case "GOOD": return (int)Math.ceil(0.1*amount);
    case "GREAT": return (int)Math.ceil(0.15*amount);
    case "EXCELLENT": return (int)Math.ceil(0.2*amount);
    default: return null;
 import java.util.Map;
 class MM{
	static Integer method(double amount,String rating){
	var tips=Map.of("terrible",0.0,"poor",0.05,"good",0.1,"great",0.15,"excellent",0.20);
	String rate=rating.toLowerCase();
	return tips.containsKey(rate)?(int)(Math.ceil(amount*tips.get(rate))):null;
import java.util.*;

public class TipCalculator {
  private static Map<String, Double> ratings = Map.of("terrible", 0.0, "poor", 0.05, "good", 0.1, "great", 0.15, "excellent", 0.2);
  public static Integer calculateTip(double a, String r) {
    return ratings.get(r.toLowerCase()) == null ? null : (int)Math.ceil(a*ratings.get(r.toLowerCase()));
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class TipCalculator {

    private static Map<String, Integer> tips = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        tips.put("terrible", 0);
        tips.put("poor", 5);
        tips.put("good", 10);
        tips.put("great", 15);
        tips.put("excellent", 20);

    public static Integer calculateTip(double amount, String rating) {
        Integer tipRating = tips.get(rating.toLowerCase());
        if (tipRating == null) return null;
        return (int) Math.ceil(tipRating * amount / 100);