I am using the Camunda BPMN-Model API for generating bpmn 2.0-xml files. However, I can't find a auto-layout functionality in it to create the BPMN-DI information automatically. I know that it's possible to create the rendering components by manually importing to the Camunda modeler, but I am trying to do so automatically. Activity and Yaoqiang seem to implement such a function. Is there any algorithm based on the Camunda model api?
There is also a try for the Camunda modeler, but it's probably not what I'm looking for.
Thanks for your help!
On the last hack days Chris developed a working auto-layout in Javascript: https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle-auto-layout. I would recommend to give it a try.
Auto-layouting is now part of the core model API in Java. Hence DI is now automatically created for you. Best try it with the latest Camunda version.