How to mailto
to office 365 like this one on the gmail - Open Gmail on mailto: action.
I have this link:
but I have no idea for recipient parameter to put in the TO
. Please help guys.
Here's how it do it in Gmail:
<a href="https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&to=email@domain.com">sample@domain.com</a>
Now here's what i do in Office 365 but i dont know what is the right parameter for the Recipient:
<a href="https://pod51038.outlook.com/owa/#viewmodel=IMailComposeViewModelFactory">sample@domain.com</a>
Office 365 now supports composing an email using a URL:
https://outlook.office.com/?path=/mail/action/compose&to=service@domain.com&subject=Customer Service Request&body=Add+Your+Request+here
available parameters:
- path /mail/action/compose
- subject Customer Service Request
- body Add your request here
- to service@domain.com
- cc is not supported at this point.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/carloshm/2016/01/16/how-to-compose-a-new-message-or-event-and-populate-fields-in-office365/#comment-1645 for more details
This extension worked for me. I just had to edit the Outlook.com url by clicking on "change" and editing it to be something like:
Where example.com should be replaced by your organizations Outlook 365 domain.
I should note that I am on Debian linux with no default email client set at the moment. However, I don't see how that might have any effect as I believe this extension might be simply altering the url that is opened to go to a different url. I could be wrong about this last part since I haven't looked into the extension code.
This cannot be done without using a 3rd party app or setting OWA as the default mail agent on the client computer. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/38d11e6d-8009-4d7d-8d69-a6701860feb8/setting-up-owa-to-be-used-by-mailto-protocol
Set OWA as default mail agent: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tmeston/archive/2004/01/08/48837.aspx