swift - how to print to console multi line Strings in 2 distinct columns on the screen

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-30 13:25:27


I have 2 very long strings which span multiple lines each and want to print to console both strings in their own "column" to the terminal


let veryLongStringWithNewLines = "a very long string with \n 
and blah blah \n
and more text ....."

let anotherVeryLongStringWithNewLines = "......."

print ("\(veryLongStringWithNewLines) %???Break Screen in Center???% \(anotherVeryLongStringWithNewLines)") // <<<< TO THE CONSOLE

I want to divide the console into 2 columns such that each string is printed in its own area , but side by side , i.e. EXCEL with 2 columns, each string in its own column

The string should wrap inside of that column to new lines when necessary

Not sure how to achieve this


Here's something to get you started:

// Break a string up into an array of Strings, first on newlines
// and then by width if the lines are longer than width
func breakIntoLines(text: String, width: Int) -> [String] {
    var result = [String]()

    for line in text.split(separator: "\n") {
        var str = String(line)
        while str.count > width {
            str = String(str.dropFirst(width))

        // pad last line to width to make displaying easier
        result.append(str + String(repeating: " ", count: width - str.count))

    return result

// print two Strings in two columns optionally keeping the rows
// in sync
func printIn2Columns(text1: String, text2: String, columnWidth: Int, space: Int, keepRowsInSync: Bool = false) {
    if keepRowsInSync {
        // split the lines into rows on newline
        var rows1 = text1.split(separator: "\n")
        var rows2 = text2.split(separator: "\n")

        // pad the shorter number of rows
        if rows1.count > rows2.count {
            rows2 += Array(repeating: "", count: rows1.count - rows2.count)
        } else if rows2.count > rows1.count {
            rows1 += Array(repeating: "", count: rows2.count - rows1.count)

        // print each row in two columns
        for (row1, row2) in zip(rows1, rows2) {
            printIn2Columns(text1: String(row1), text2: String(row2), columnWidth: columnWidth, space: space)
    } else {
        var column1 = breakIntoLines(text: text1, width: columnWidth)
        var column2 = breakIntoLines(text: text2, width: columnWidth)

        // pad the shorter column with extra rows
        let blankLine = String(repeating: " ", count: columnWidth)
        if column1.count > column2.count {
            column2 += Array(repeating: blankLine, count: column1.count - column2.count)
        } else if column2.count > column1.count {
            column1 += Array(repeating: blankLine, count: column2.count - column1.count)

        let spacing = String(repeating: " ", count: space)

        for (line1, line2) in zip(column1, column2) {


let text1 = """
This is a test
of the code which
breaks this up into

let text2 = """
Well, here goes nothing!
Does this do what you want?

printIn2Columns(text1: text1, text2: text2, columnWidth: 8, space: 5)
This is      Well, he
a test       re goes 
of the c     nothing!
ode whic     Does thi
h            s do wha
breaks t     t you wa
his up i     nt?     
printIn2Columns(text1: text2, text2: text1, columnWidth: 10, space: 4)
Well, here    This is a 
 goes noth    test      
ing!          of the cod
Does this     e which   
do what yo    breaks thi
u want?       s up into 
printIn2Columns(text1: text2, text2: text1, columnWidth: 30, space: 5)
Well, here goes nothing!           This is a test                
Does this do what you want?        of the code which             
                                   breaks this up into           

Keeping the rows in sync

If you are comparing two texts, it might be desirable to keep the rows in sync. If you have to wrap a row in one column but not the other, add blank lines to the shorter to keep the rows of the original texts in sync.

let t1 = """
3: this is a really long line 3
5: this is a really long line 5

let t2 = """
one - this is a really long line one
three - this is a really long line three

printIn2Columns(text1: t1, text2: t2, columnWidth: 16, space: 5, keepRowsInSync: true)
1:                   one - this is a 
                     really long line
2:                   two             
3: this is a rea     three - this is 
lly long line 3      a really long li
                     ne three        
4:                   four            
5: this is a rea     five            
lly long line 5                      
6:                   six

