I'm stack here.
I want to create a file and i use title_input as file_name, but i have problem when create the file to specific folder.
$file_name="Multi purpose Day/Night Security";
$myfile = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/myweb/product/".$file_name.".php", "wb") or die("Unable to open file!");
Warning: fopen(C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/myweb/product/Multi-Purpose Day/Night Security.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\myweb\admin\process\do_upload.php on line 28
Unable to open file!
You can always just encode the filename to make a valid filename and then decode the filename after you have read from it and this could be as simple as base64ing the filename before and after.
$filename = 'Multi purpose Day/Night Security';
// Raw filename
$filename = base64_encode($filename);
// Original filename
$filename = base64_decode($filename);