Serializing Manatee.Json in .NET Core 3

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-25 10:14:08


I want to provide some JsonSchema from my .NET Core 3 application, as well as other objects serialized into JSON. Since Manatee.Json is frequently updated and provides good support for JsonSchema, they are my preferred choice. At the same time, .NET Core 3 provides excellent support for returning objects with magic that transform them into JSON documents.


public ActionResult<MyFancyClass> MyFancyAction()
    return new MyFancyClass {
        Property1 = "property 1 content",
        Property2 = "property 2 content",


    "Property1": "property 1 content",
    "Property2": "property 2 content"

.NET Core 3 has internal support for JSON with its System.Text.Json which is used in the previous example. If I try to serialize Manatee.Json.Schema.JsonSchema, its internal structure are serialized, not the json schema itself.


public ActionResult<MyFancyClass2> MyFancyAction2()
    return new MyFancyClass2 {
        Property1 = "property 1 content",
        Property1Schema = new JsonSchema()


  "Property1": "property 1 content",
  "Property1Schema": [{
    "vocabulary": {

I expect this:

  "Property1": "property 1 content",
  "Property1Schema": {
    "type": "string",

Manatee.Json.JsonValue also have a conflicting inner structure, where System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer fails to access internal get methods correctly and I get for instance this exception message:

Cannot access value of type Object as type Boolean.

Manatee.Json.Schema.JsonSchema has a .ToJson() method that can be used to get the correct json schema as a JsonValue, but then I get the problem I just mentioned with serializing Manatee.Json.JsonValue.

Does anyone know a way to enable System.Text.Json to serialize Manatee.Json structures?

Another way forward is to replace System.Text.Json altogether (take a look at this question).


.NET Core 3 json serialization comes with a lot of configuration options. One of them is to add converters that specify how different types should be serialized. One way forward is to create a JsonConverter for JsonSchema and another for JsonValue.

For JsonSchema we can implement a JsonSchemaConverter that when serializing/writing, extracts the json schema as a JsonValue and ask the serializer to serialize that JsonValue instead. Like this:

public class JsonSchemaConverter : JsonConverter<JsonSchema>
    public JsonSchemaConverter()
        _manateeSerializer = new ManateeSerializer();

    private ManateeSerializer _manateeSerializer { get; set; }

    public override JsonSchema Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        var jsonText = reader.GetString();
        var jsonValue = JsonValue.Parse(jsonText);
        return _manateeSerializer.Deserialize<JsonSchema>(jsonValue);

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonSchema value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        var schemaAsJson = value.ToJson(_manateeSerializer);
            System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize<JsonValue>(writer, schemaAsJson, options);
        catch (Exception e)
            Log.Information($"Failed to serialize JsonSchema ({e.Message});");

For JsonValue we can change it into something System.Text.Json understands, since it is json after all. One unfortunate approach is to serialize the JsonValue to a string, parsing it with for instance JsonDocument.Parse(string) and serialize its RootElement property. It feels so unnecessary to go via JsonDocument, so if anyone finds a better solution that would be great! A possible implementation can look like this:

public class JsonValueConverter : JsonConverter<JsonValue>
    public override JsonValue Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        var json = reader.GetString();
        return JsonValue.Parse(json);

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonValue value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        string content = value.ToString();
            var jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(content);
            JsonSerializer.Serialize<JsonElement>(writer, jsonDocument.RootElement, options);
        catch (Exception e)
            Log.Warning($"JsonDocument.Parse(JsonValue) failed in JsonValueConverter.Write(,,).\n{e.Message}");

They must be registered at Startup.cs like this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddJsonOptions(options =>
            options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonValueConverter());
            options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonSchemaConverter());

