Peewee ORM sqlite create db with list of nested dictionaries from Google Analytics

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-25 07:08:31


I have a simple problem. I am new to object oriented programming.. I have one big list of nested dictionaries, that should be presented within several tables. What I don't understand is how I can use objects to make this simpler.

I am getting Google Analytics data for each user.


  1. get the data for a single user (This data is in the format like this:
{'sampleRate': 1,
                               # Pageview activity
                 'sessions': [{'activityTime': '2020-01-08T15:48:38.012671Z',
                               'activityType': 'PAGEVIEW',
                               'campaign': '(not set)',
                               'channelGrouping': 'Direct',
                               'customDimension': [{'index': 1}],
                               'hostname': '',
                               'keyword': '(not set)',
                               'landingPagePath': '/login',
                               'medium': '(none)',
                               'pageview': {'pagePath': '/login',
                                            'pageTitle': 'titleofthepage'},
                               'source': '(direct)'},

                              # Event activity
                              {'activityTime': '2020-01-08T15:48:37.915105Z',
                               'activityType': 'EVENT',
                               'campaign': '(not set)',
                               'channelGrouping': 'Direct',
                               'customDimension': [{'index': 1}],
                               'event': {'eventAction': 'Successfully Logged '
                                         'eventCategory': 'Auth',
                                         'eventCount': '1',
                                         'eventLabel': '(not set)'},
                               'hostname': '',
                               'keyword': '(not set)',
                               'landingPagePath': '/login',
                               'medium': '(none)',
                               'source': '(direct)'}]
               'dataSource': 'web',
               'deviceCategory': 'desktop',
               'platform': 'Windows',
               'sessionDate': '2020-01-08',
               'sessionId': '1578491317'}
  1. (This probably where I can impliment object oriented programming) Now I iterate through the list of users, and store each user's ouput (in the format mentioned in step 1) in a list
  2. This creates one big list of step1's


I want two tables at the end of the day, to do queries with Peewee:

Table 1:

SessionId   User      dataSource  deviceCategory   platform      sessionDuration 
12345       123       web         desktop          windows       00:15:12
14824       188       web         desktop          Linux         01:04:48

Table 2:

ActivityTime  Session  pageTitle   pagePath   EventCategory   eventCount   eventLabel   eventAction
20:30:12      12345    domain      webpage    NaN             NaN          NaN          NaN
20:45:47      12345    NaN         NaN        Aut             1            (not_set)    LoggedIn
21:12:48      14824    NaN         NaN        Aut             2            (not_set)    LoggedIn

I don't really know how to approach this.. because I know object oriented programming/ ORM can make this cleaner and much pythionic.. I don't expect code as an answer, because the question is quite vague, but any logic will help. I cannot seem to find a way to accomplish this anywhere

