How to update the quarkus version used

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-01-25 06:40:08


What is the recommended way of upgrading the quarkus version used in an existing application?

I have taken a look at my pom.xml, since the quarkus extensions dont specify the version used, I assume that they will get updated based on the main quarkus version. The properties which look to be relevant in the update are quarkus-plugin.version, and surefire-plugin.version. How can I decide which ones to change, and is there anything else to be aware of?


There is one important thing to know, we have:

  • Quarkus Core: this is the main Quarkus artifacts + all the core extensions: the quarkus-bom is the one of Core. The Quarkus Maven plugin is part of it too.
  • Quarkus Platform: it contains more extensions such as Camel Quarkus: the quarkus-universe-bom is the one from the Platform, it contains the Core + the additional extensions

We usually release Quarkus core then Quarkus Platform with a few days between the two as we often need a release of Camel Quarkus, which is an Apache project and organizes a 72 hours vote for each release.

In a newly created project, you have the following properties:

  • quarkus-plugin.version is the version of the Quarkus Maven plugin, it should be in line with the version of the core you use
  • quarkus.platform.artifact-id can right now either be quarkus-universe-bom for the whole Platform or just quarkus-bom for the Core only.
  • quarkus.platform.version is the version of the BOM.

Usually all these versions should be aligned. But... it could happen that we would need some quick update in the Platform and not of the core and we could then only release a new version of the platform. This hasn't happened yet to be honest.

Let's take an example of what happened today: I released Quarkus Core 1.2.0.Final but we are still waiting for Camel Quarkus to be released to release the Platform.

If you want to update early, you can change the BOM to use the quarkus-bom and update everything to 1.2.0.Final.

Or you can wait for the Platform to be released early next week and stay on the Platform quarkus-universe-bom.

We also only update the website documentation and when the full Platform is released.

