swagger error “Uncaught RangeError: Invalid string length” in mvc angularjs mix project

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-24 22:42:06


I have a project in mvc5 and anguarjs mix and here I am trying to add swagger I had installed the latest Swashbuckle and tried this API which is working http://localhost:6790/swagger/docs/v1 and I could say that my json is valid and checked on https://editor.swagger.io

but when I tied this on http://localhost:6790/swagger/ui/index (view) this shows error

Uncaught RangeError: Invalid string length
    at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
    at t.exports.u.getModelSampleJSON (swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:12777)
    at new t.exports (swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:12498)
    at swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:10638
    at r (swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:16772)
    at Object.forEach (swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:17559)
    at swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:10630
    at swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:17468
    at r (swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:17002)
    at swagger-ui-min-js:formatted:17447   

I had tried to search online but did not get any solution for this

so here anyone has any idea about this matter and how to solve this problem

