Visual Studio 2010 Database Builds Drop If Exists

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-24 09:47:07


Is there any way i can change the "Alter" statements for tables and procs to "Drop if exists" when the build spits out the scripts?? Using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. TFS 2010.


I believe the code you are referring to is generated from a template.

Look here...

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\Templates\Database Project Items

and the modify these two files.

  • New Table Script.sql
  • New Stored Procedure Script.sql


After the procedure has been created for the first time what you will see is the code the tool gets/reads from the database, no longer an script that you could edit; of course you could copy/paste whatever it shows you into a text editor and save it as an SQL file (.sql extension).

If you try this sample code

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'usp_test_proc')
        DROP  Procedure  usp_test_proc
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_test_proc
    @parameter1 int = 5,
    @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */
    select name, comment from test_table

you will get this message:

"Unable to save object because the statement type is not supported. It must begin with CREATE or ALTER."

I suggest you create your own SQL procedure files and add the exists statment at the top, for example:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'usp_test_proc')
        DROP  Procedure  usp_test_proc
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_test_proc
    @parameter1 int = 5,
    @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */
    select name, comment from test_table

That way you can edit/change your SQL code file at your convenience then just recreate the procedure connecting to your database by opening a new query connection through the Visual Studio menu 'Data/Transact-SQL Editor/New Query Connection', opening the SQL file and clicking on the Execute SQL toolbar button (green arrow).

