I'm currently working on a project which need wsimport but we use JDK11 and I just discovered that wsimport was removed from JDK since this version.
I searched for answers and I tried adding this dependency but it's not working at the moment.
Is there any replacement for wsimport that I'm not aware of ?
Thank you !
Today, you can use a fork as a direct replacement of org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:2.5:
https://github.com/phax/jaxws-maven-plugin. It works well with jdk11
I'm going to add what I've found through my research into upgrading to JDK11 in case it helps someone else.
Wsimport was deprecated as a part of the JDK, but was open sourced to the Eclipse Foundation. You can download it with the following link:
They have changed wsimport from an executable to a bat/sh script that calls the jaxws-tools.jar file. I have not actually seen it work and always get a ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataSource. I have even changed their script to include the javax.activation-api-1.2.0.jar and it still does not work. It does not matter if I attempt a build through Maven or run it command-line.
This was my plugin configuration:
I also used the following so that I could develop on Windows and Jenkins could build on Linux:
The jaxws-maven-plugin is not updated yet for JDK 11. There is a pull request open on the project, but it is not merged yet.
A temporary solution for wsimport is proposed here: https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws/issues/1251#issuecomment-441424365, which probably works fine on Linux.
On our project we are working with Windows environments and we fixed the wsimport according to the following example:
<mkdir dir="target/generated-sources/wsimport"/>
<property name="plugin_classpath" refid="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<exec executable="java">
<arg value="-classpath"/>
<arg value="${plugin_classpath}"/>
<arg value="com.sun.tools.ws.WsImport"/>
<arg value="-extension"/>
<arg value="-Xnocompile"/>
<arg value="-wsdllocation"/>
<arg value="/MyWSDL.wsdl"/>
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="target/generated-sources/wsimport"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="com.company.client.generated"/>
<arg value="src/main/resources/MyWSDL.wsdl"/>
<!-- xml.ws module -->
<!-- declare the exclusion here -->
<!-- javax.activation -->
<!-- wsimport -->
It's works, finally! Just in case someone has the same problem :
I wanted to use maven build to generate the sources, with this pom.xml :
But the solution is to run wsimport directly with the console :
wsimport -d target/generated-sources/jaxws-wsimport/ -s target/generated-sources/jaxws-wsimport/ src/main/resources/schemas/myWSDLFile.wsdl
And of course, I'm using JDK 11