How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-11-27 14:02:09

You can do this in a number of ways. You can use databinding (typical initialized after InitializeComponent();)

textBox1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", yourBindingSource, 
                    "TableName.ColumnName", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));

or use a DataLayoutControl (if you are going to use textbox for editing, I really recommend spending some time to learn how to use this component.

or in FocusedRowChanged by assigning from one of these methods:

textBox1.Text = gridView1.GetDataRow(e.FocusedRowHandle)["Name"].ToString();
textBox1.Text = gridView1.GetFocusedDataRow()["Name"].ToString();
textBox1.Text = (gridView1.GetFocusedRow() as DataRowView).Row["Name"].ToString();
textBox1.Text = gridView1.GetFocusedRowCellValue("Name").ToString();

Here is the way that I've followed,

int[] selRows = ((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).GetSelectedRows();
DataRowView selRow = (DataRowView)(((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).GetRow(selRows[0]));
txtName.Text = selRow["name"].ToString();

Also you can iterate through selected rows using the selRows array. Here the code describes how to get data only from first selected row. You can insert these code lines to click event of the grid.

I found the solution as follows:

private void gridView1_RowCellClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellClickEventArgs e)
    TBGRNo.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "GRNo").ToString();
    TBSName.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "SName").ToString();
    TBFName.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "FName").ToString();            

Which one of their Grids are you using? XtraGrid or AspXGrid? Here is a piece taken from one of my app using XtraGrid.

private void grdContactsView_RowClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e)
    _selectedContact = GetSelectedRow((DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView)sender);

private Contact GetSelectedRow(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView view)
    return (Contact)view.GetRow(view.FocusedRowHandle);

My Grid have a list of Contact objects bound to it. Every time a row is clicked I load the selected row into _selectedContact. Hope this helps. You will find lots of information on using their controls buy visiting their support and documentation sites.


For VB.Net

CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()

For C#


example bind data by linq so use

Dim selRow As CUSTOMER = CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()
Gerson Azabache

All you have to do is use the GetFocusedRowCellValue method of the gridView control and put it into the RowClick event.

For example:

private void gridView1_RowClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e)
    if (this.gvCodigoNombres.GetFocusedRowCellValue("EMP_dni") == null)
shankar maruvada
var rowHandle = gridView.FocusedRowHandle;

var obj = gridView.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "FieldName");

//For example  
int val= Convert.ToInt32(gridView.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "FieldName"));