Div Moving in cycle rotation using Javascript

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-22 02:26:34


Is it possible to rotate a Div in cyclic rotation using javascript. I have four DIVs in an HTML page. I need to rotate those DIVs in a cyclic rotation.

If it's possible tell me now. It is urgent.


It's actually not hard:

function moveDiv(t,mdiv) {
            t = t + 0.05; // "time"
            var r = 10, //radius of circle
                xcenter = 400, //x location of circles centre on screen
                ycenter = 400, //y location of circles centre on screen
                x = Math.floor(xcenter + (r * Math.cos(t))), //circles parametric function
                y = Math.floor(ycenter + (r * Math.sin(t))); //circles parametric function
            mDiv.style.top = x + "px"; //set divs new coordinates
            mDiv.style.left = y + "px"; //set divs new coordinates

            setTimeout(function() { //make sure the animation keeps going
            }, 100);
    myDiv = //get div element
    moveDiv(1,myDiv); //start the animation

Haven't tested, but that's about how it should work. Make sure you set css "position" property of those divs to absolute or fixed. Also take a look at parametric equation for circle.


You may be able to use the Raphaël JavaScript library to accomplish something like this.



Not sure I understand the question, but take a look at the 'Cycle' jQuery plugin: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/


this could possibly be done... but not easily, and you wouldn't be able to maintain the original feeling of the content inside of the div.

unless i misunderstood your question, if your just talking about cycling through 4 divs... this is defiantly possible and very easy. But if your asking if you can rotate the actual div...

