Undo (ctrl +z ) is not working for text area when I use jquery autocomplete in IE

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-21 11:43:08


Jquery autocomplete breaks the undo in IE, In case of textarea what may be the reason ?

Try this,

Open this link in IE


Type any text in input element, for example type 'a' select 'ActionScript' from menu now do backpsace to remove characters.

Now do undo ctrl + z , It's not working why ? can any one explain ?

Thanks in advance


I had a similar problem:

Html text input undo not working

In the end I found out that if any JavaScript updated any visual elements, all the text boxes on the page had their undo history reset. In my case it was a timer updating a countdown clock, which made it very difficult to trace and debug. I imagine it is the autocomplete JQuery causing the problem here. The difference to mine is that it is updating the actual textbox, not an external element, but I suspect it is the same issue. I'm pretty sure it's a bug in IE so there's not a lot you can do about it, short of adding your own history functionality to the text box.

This is a problem specific to Internet Explorer - I suggest you try your page with Chrome or Firefox.

