I'm using GraphView library (see: https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView or http://www.jjoe64.com/p/graphview-library.html)
But I would like to use Date/Time for the X-as. Does anyone knows a easy way to accomplish this or can anyone push me in the right direction?
GraphView is a great library to use, i find it the easiest as well. The first step in doing this would be to add a String Variable in the GraphViewData Class within GraphView.java. Like So:
static public class GraphViewData {
public final double valueX;
public final double valueY;
public final String valueDate;
public GraphViewData(double valueX, double valueY,String valueDate) {
this.valueX = valueX;
this.valueY = valueY;
this.valueDate = valueDate;
When you create your GraphViewData object when creating a GraphView Graph, you will need to add the date data in string form (along with the X and Y).
Lets say you have 80 data points in your graph (index 0 - 79). There is a method within GraphView that is responsible for generating and returning the horizontal labels, i believe its called generateHorLabels. Instead of just returning the X Value (0-79), Use the X value to get the String from the GraphData object.
In the code you have now, it should have the following in a for loop
labels[i] = formatLabel(min + ((max-min)*i/numLabels), true);
instead of the above, you could do something like this.
Double temp = Double.valueOf(formatLabel(min + ((max-min)*i/numLabels), true));
int rounded =(int)Math.round(temp);
labels[i] = values[rounded].valueDate;
Hope this helped!
This is the correct way to do this
You just have to use the unix timestamp (seconds from 1.01.1970) as x value.
Then you can set a custom label formatter and convert the unix timestamp to a String:
final java.text.DateFormat dateTimeFormatter = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(mActivity);
LineGraphView graphView = new LineGraphView(mActivity, entry.getValue()) {
protected String formatLabel(double value, boolean isValueX) {
if (isValueX) {
// transform number to time
return dateTimeFormatter.format(new Date((long) value*1000));
} else {
return super.formatLabel(value, isValueX);
Here's the updated answer from jjoe64, with the x-values obtained from Date#getTime()
final DateFormat dateTimeFormatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
graphView = new LineGraphView(context, "Chart");
graphView.setCustomLabelFormatter(new CustomLabelFormatter()
public String formatLabel(double value, boolean isValueX)
if (isValueX)
return dateTimeFormatter.format(new Date((long) value));
return null; // let graphview generate Y-axis label for us
I created the horizontal labels at the same time I was setting the values:
public void initializeLineGraphView() {
// Get last weeks entries from the DB
ArrayList<Entry> entries = DbManager.getInstance().getLastWeeksEntries(new Date());
String[] hLabels = new String[entries.size()];
GraphView.GraphViewData[] graphViewData = new GraphView.GraphViewData[entries.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
Entry entry = entries.get(i);
int pain = entry.getPain();
graphViewData[i] = new GraphView.GraphViewData(i, pain);
// Generate the horizontal labels
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE");
String dayOfWeek = sdf.format(entry.getDate());
hLabels[i] = dayOfWeek;
mSeries = new GraphViewSeries("", null, graphViewData);
GraphView graphView = new LineGraphView(getActivity(), "");
graphView.setVerticalLabels(new String[] {"10", "5", "0"});
mLineGraphView = graphView;