YAML seems like a great format for configuration files & data binding persistent objects in human-readable form...
Is there a C++ library that handles YAML? Does Boost::Serialization have plans for a YAML option?
EDIT: I would prefer an OO library.
A quick search gave me this: yaml-cpp
Try the YAML component from the BOOST vault serialization library.
EDIT 2014: A recent development, https://groups.google.com/d/msg/boost-devel-archive/mhT7qIh1nsI/uXAuXFAWrxQJ
EDIT 2019: Didn't try it yet, but this seems to be a serious take: https://github.com/rwols/yaml-archive
I found this, please if you use it let me know how it did it for you and post some example if possible,
UPDATED link (as 2014), it seems to point to the same files as the BOOST vault answer.