In Xcode 6.1. 'UIImage?' does not have a member named 'size' Error

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-19 04:11:48


I'm getting an image's Size and used the below code. It was working perfectly fine with Xcode 6.0.1. After updating to Xcode 6.1, I'm getting Error Like :

'UIImage?' does not have a member named 'size'

var image = UIImage(named: imageName)
let sizeOfImage = image.size

Is it bug with my code or Apple ? Please help me in here. TIA.


That initializer is now a failable initializer, and as such it returns an optional UIImage.

To quickly fix your bug just unwrap the image:

let sizeOfImage = image?.size

but I presume you will reference the image variable more than just once in your code, in that case I suggest using optional binding:

if let image = image {
    let sizeOfImage = image.size
    /// ...
    /// Use the image


In addition to @Antonio's answer you can use nil coalescing operator(??) to get a default size in case image initializer is failed. Here is how:

let size = image?.size ?? CGSizeZero


Once you’re sure that the optional does contain a value, you can access its underlying value by adding an exclamation mark (!) to the end of the optional’s name. In your case: image.size!


you can use like this:

    let image = UIImage(named: "photo1.png")
    let sizeOfImage = image?.size

    imageView.image = image
    imageView.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: sizeOfImage!)

