The Stack Exchange Data Explorer allows SQL queries against a Stack Exchange database. The following query —
month(CreationDate) month,
year(CreationDate) year,
sum(case when lower(left(Title,2))='wh' then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) wh,
(select sum(Score)/count(*)
from Posts u
month(CreationDate)=month(t.CreationDate) and
year(CreationDate)=year(t.CreationDate) and
lower(left(Title,2))='wh' and
PostTypeId=1 -- question
) wh_score,
sum(Score)/count(*) score,
(select sum(AnswerCount)/count(*)
from Posts u
month(CreationDate)=month(t.CreationDate) and
year(CreationDate)=year(t.CreationDate) and
lower(left(Title,2))='wh' and
PostTypeId=1 -- question
) wh_answers,
sum(AnswerCount)/count(*) answers
from Posts t
where PostTypeId=1 -- question
group by month(CreationDate), year(CreationDate)
— courtesy of Scorpi0 — yields all integer values in the results: everything gets either rounded or truncated (I don't know which). (This is especially annoying in the wh
column, where every value is therefore 0
.) Is there a way to force decimal or values?
Like a lot of langage, when you do 1/2, it perform the division of 1 by 2 and return the quotient, so 0 here.
n/m => n = m * q + r
1/2 => 1 = 2 * 0 + 1
Let's be pragmatic : just multiply by a decimal, like this :
(sum(AnswerCount) * 1.0)/count(*)
And you will get decimal instead of int.