UnsatisfiedLinkError Access is denied Java Windows 10

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-17 06:02:27


I have a java desktop application which uses sqlite-jdbc- On a XP machine, it works all right. I recently upgraded from Win7 to Win10. Now the following error crops up:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\<user_account>\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite- Access is denied
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
        at org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open(Native Method)
        at org.sqlite.core.DB.open(DB.java:161)
        at org.sqlite.core.CoreConnection.open(CoreConnection.java:218)
        at org.sqlite.core.CoreConnection.<init>(CoreConnection.java:74)
        at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Connection.<init>(JDBC3Connection.java:24)
        at org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4Connection.<init>(JDBC4Connection.java:23)
        at org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.<init>(SQLiteConnection.java:45)
        at org.sqlite.JDBC.createConnection(JDBC.java:114)
        at org.sqlite.JDBC.connect(JDBC.java:88)

I have tried

icacls "%APPDATA%\Local\Temp\" /grant <user_account>:(OI)(CI)F /T

which completes successfully but still no use. Btw, the account i'm logged in is an admin account.

Any ref. at the right direction will be helpful. Thank you.


I got this Error too. For my case is the program that running the jar file is not have permission to extract the dll to the temp folder. I just use Run as Administrator Everything is fine.

