I am working on a program using Flex and Bison. My task can be done using only Flex(using start conditions etc.), but I have understood that using Bison might make my life easier. My task is to design a program which recognizes a programming language declaration part. Its syntax and logic can be understood through my code below. My problem is that I want my program to recognize as an acceptable declaration part every part of code which begins only with the "var" keyword! Until now, I have not managed to do that. How can I succeed it?
I present below my .l (flex) and .y (bison) files.
#include <stdio.h>
[ \t\n]+ { /* Ignore all whitespaces */ }
";" { /* Ignore all semicolons */ }
":" { /* Ignore all colons */ }
var { printf("A keyword: %s\n",yytext); return VAR; }
real { printf("A variable type: %s\n",yytext); return REAL; }
boolean { printf("A variable type: %s\n",yytext); return BOOLEAN; }
integer { printf("A variable type: %s\n",yytext); return INTEGER; }
char { printf("A variable type: %s\n",yytext); return CHAR; }
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* { printf("A variable name: %s\n",yytext); return VAR_NAME; }
. { printf("Unrecognized character!\n"); return yytext[0]; }
#include <stdio.h>
program : VAR typedecls ;
typedecls : typedecl | typedecls typedecl ;
typedecl : varlist ':' var_type ';' ;
varlist : VAR_NAME | varlist ',' VAR_NAME ;
var_type : REAL | BOOLEAN | INTEGER | CHAR ;
main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char **argv;
extern FILE *yyin;
++argv, --argc; /* skip over program name */
if ( argc > 0 )
yyin = fopen( argv[0], "r" );
yyin = stdin;
yyerror(char *s)
#include "lex.yy.c"
Your scanner never returns :
or ;
tokens (and complains about ,
being unrecognized). But your grammar includes those tokens.
typedecl : varlist ':' var_type ';' ;
can never match anything. It doesn't see the :
it is expecting, and the var_type
is thus unexpected. (And it wouldn't ever match the ;
if it got that far.)
I don't know what ancient tutorial you're following, but the pre-ansi prototype for main
suggests it was composed in the last century (and not in its final years, either). As a rough guide, I slightly updated your files.
Here's exercise4.l; the most important modification is that I removed the handbuilt trace logs, since I intend to use flex's built-in debugging feature. I also added some options to reduce compiler warnings, and enabled line number tracking for use in error messages. I left in the bug.
/* File: exercise4.l */
/* The bison-generated header file includes token declarations */
#include "exercise4.tab.h"
%option noinput nounput noyywrap nodefault
%option yylineno
[ \t\n]+ { /* Ignore all whitespaces */ }
";" { /* Ignore all semicolons. BUG */ }
":" { /* Ignore all colons. BUG */ }
var { return VAR; }
real { return REAL; }
boolean { return BOOLEAN; }
integer { return INTEGER; }
char { return CHAR; }
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* { return VAR_NAME; }
. { return yytext[0]; }
And here's the parser, with a few fixes (like using the standard C prototype syntax from the 1989 C standard):
/* File: exercise4.y */
/* Used in this file */
#include <stdio.h>
/* Forward and external declarations */
extern int yylineno;
int yylex();
void yyerror(const char* msg);
/* These two options make error messages more informative */
%define parse.lac full
program : VAR typedecls
typedecls : typedecl
| typedecls typedecl
typedecl : varlist ':' var_type ';'
varlist : VAR_NAME
| varlist ',' VAR_NAME ;
var_type : REAL | BOOLEAN | INTEGER | CHAR ;
/* Welcome to 1990 */
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
extern FILE *yyin;
if ( argc > 1 )
yyin = fopen( argv[1], "r" );
yyin = stdin;
if (!yyin) {
/* If you don't check, you'll end up segfaulting when
* yylex tries to read from NULL. Checking lets us print
* a hopefully meaningful error message.
perror("Could not open file for reading");
return 1;
return yyparse();
/* Now that error messages have some content, it's worthwhile
* actually using the argument passed to yyerror */
void yyerror(const char* msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "At line %d: %s\n", yylineno, msg);
Now, I run the files through flex, bison and gcc, in that order, to produce an executable:
# The `-d` option to flex causes it to insert debugging traces. That's
# a lot less effort and a lot more useful than rolling your own trace
# logs.
flex -d -o exercise4.scan.c exercise4.l
# The `-d` option to bison causes it to output a header file, whose name
# is the same as the output file name with `.c` changed to `.h`. That's
# the file which we need to `#include` in the scanner, so that token
# names are available to scanner actions. Bison also has a debugging
# feature, but you need to use `-t` to enable it, plus add a line at
# runtime. For now, we'll leave it out.
bison -d -o exercise4.tab.c exercise4.y
# Now compile and link an executable:
gcc -Wall -g -o exercise4 exercise4.tab.c exercise4.scan.c
Normally, the three shell commands would go into a Makefile so that you could just type make exercise4
to create the executable. But there's nothing really complicated there.
Now, we can try it out. Since I didn't fix the bugs, you'll easily see the problem:
var a, b: integer;
--accepting rule at line 14 ("var")
--accepting rule at line 11 (" ")
--accepting rule at line 19 ("a")
--accepting rule at line 20 (",")
--accepting rule at line 11 (" ")
--accepting rule at line 19 ("b")
--accepting rule at line 13 (":")
--accepting rule at line 11 (" ")
--accepting rule at line 17 ("integer")
At line 1: syntax error, unexpected INTEGER, expecting ':' or ','
The lines starting --
are flex's trace. You can see each token as it is recognized. So when a :
is encountered in the input, the rule at line 13 is executed. That rule is { /* Ignore all colons */ }
. And that's what happens.
The error message at the end was printed by yyerror
. Thanks to the %errors-verbose
directive, it tells us what it found (INTEGER
) and what it was expecting.
Hope that all helps some.