I am trying to download file using requests, and print a dot every time retrieve 100k size of file, but all the dots is printed out at the end. See code.
with open(file_name,'wb') as file:
print("begin downloading, please wait...")
respond_file = requests.get(file_url,stream=True)
size = len(respond_file.content)//1000000
#the next line will not be printed until file is downloaded
print("the file size is "+ str(size) +"MB")
for chunk in respond_file.iter_content(102400):
You are accessing request.content
size = len(respond_file.content)//1000000
Accessing that property forces the whole response to be downloaded, and for large responses this takes some time. Use int(respond_file.headers['content-length'])
size = int(respond_file.headers['content-length']) // 1000000
The Content-Length
header is provided by the server and since it is part of the headers you have access to that information without downloading all of the content first.
If the server chooses to use Transfer-Encoding: chunked
to stream the response, no Content-Length
header has to be set; you may need to take that into account:
content_length = respond_file.headers.get('content-length', None)
size_in_kb = '{}KB'.format(int(content_length) // 1024) if content_length else 'Unknown'
print("the file size is", size_in_kb)
where the size in kilobytes is calculated by dividing the length by 1024, not 1 million.
Alternatively, ask for the size in a separate HEAD request (only fetching the headers):
head_response = requests.get(file_url)
size = int(head_response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
This should work how you expect. Getting the length of respond_file is not what you wanted. Instead check the content-length header.
Note: I changed the code to display KB instead (for the purposes of testing).
import requests
import sys
file_url = "https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/archive/master.zip"
file_name = "out.zip"
with open(file_name,'wb') as file:
print("begin downloading, please wait...")
respond_file = requests.get(file_url,stream=True)
size = int(respond_file.headers['content-length'])//1024
#the next line will not be printed until file is downloaded
print("the file size is "+ str(size) +"KB")
for chunk in respond_file.iter_content(1024):
As @kevin writes in a comment, respond.file.content
blocks the execution until the whole content is downloaded. The only difference between my answer and his comment is that I'm not guessing ;)