jqPlot, plot date on xaxis and time on yaxis

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-16 19:38:07


I'm trying to plot using jqPlot the amount of time it takes for someone to complete something. On the xaxis I have the dates displaying correctly. However, on the yaxis I want to show the hour, minutes, seconds. No matter what I try it doesn't show correctly.

The screen capture belows shows the ticks mapping on the yaxis.

Here's the CoffeeScript...

        [["2013-02-01 01:30:28 AM", 97640000],["2013-02-01 01:31:38 AM", 166270000]]
                min: data.XAxisMin
                max: data.XAxisMax
                tickInterval: "1 month"
                    formatString: "%b %#d"
                renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer
                min: 0
                     #formatString: "%#Mm"
                tickRenderer: $.jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer
                #renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer
            show: true
            sizeAdjust: 7.5
            lineWidth: 4
            label: series.Label
                style: "square"

Here's the CoffeeScript converted to JavaScript...

$.jqplot("elemid", [["2013-02-01 01:30:28 AM", 97640000], ["2013-02-01 01:31:38 AM", 166270000]], {
  axes: {
    xaxis: {
      min: data.XAxisMin,
      max: data.XAxisMax,
      tickInterval: "1 month",
      tickOptions: {
        formatString: "%b %#d"
      renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer
    yaxis: {
      min: 0,
      tickRenderer: $.jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer
  highlighter: {
    show: true,
    sizeAdjust: 7.5
  series: {
    lineWidth: 4,
    label: series.Label,
    markerOptions: {
      style: "square"

I have created a jsfiddle but, I can't seem to get it to run. I've never used jsfiddle before so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong...


I've tried the DateAxisRenderer on the yaxis but, the time is not really a date/time per-se but just the hours, minutes, seconds it has take someone to complete.

Any help would be great!


When you are configuring your yaxis, you also need to specify the tickOptions:

tickOptions: {
    formatter: function(format, value){
        return MillisecondsToDuration(value);

What this will do is execute the MillisecondsToDuration method (adapted from Calculate timespan in JavaScript) each time a tick is rendered.

function MillisecondsToDuration(n) {
    var dtm = new Date();

    var hours = Math.floor(n / 3600000);
    var minutes = dtm.getMinutes();
    var seconds = dtm.getSeconds();

    return $.jqplot.sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hours, minutes, seconds);        

The above method assumes that your time values are in milliseconds - you will need to adjust this if not. The %02d means that each value will be formatted with up to 2 leading zeros.

