How can I resolve actionbarSherlock conflict with appcompat? [closed]

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-16 18:29:52


I have an old app, builds with actionbarSherlock and appcompact. I have import the project from eclipse to gradle, but when I compile the project the shell shows me a lot of errors that warnsme that there are duplicates. Like this:

Error: Attribute "subtitleTextStyle" has already been defined.

How can I fix it?


You can't use together ActionbarSherlock and Appcompat library.

They use the same attributes.

Also Actionbarsherlock was deprecated by the author 2 years ago.

I really suggest you switching to appcompat library. In this way you will able to use all the new features and the new support libraries (as the design support library).

