I have 2 panel with list group on each panel. I am using bootstrap.
onclick first list-group-item on panel 1 it changing style = "success"
, but when I click on the second list-group-item on panel 1 style change to "success" but not changing the first list-group-item style to default (style = ""
onclick on list-group-item it should change style or active or change the background color. Highlight the selected item and remove it when click on another item on the respective panel.
Alternative <ListGroupItem href="#" active>
my code: Code
On onSelectDevice
function your setting card.style = "success";
to both buttons A and B.
But your not resetting the old style to empty when clicking on B.
either you can do like @Guillermo Quiros solution or you can setState again this.state.cards
like below :
let showPropContainer = this.state.cards.slice() or [...this.state.cards];
let cards = showPropContainer.map((val, index) => {
val.esn === card.esn ? val.style="success" : val.style=""
return val;
this.setState({ selectedCard: card , cards})
Full solution available here
I once had the same problem and here is how I solved it
onClick={(id) => handleItemClick(note.id)}
// here on the href attribute I appended an Id just to make it somehow different and it worked for me.
href={`#${note.id}`} >