So I'm using the OOCSS media module and I'm putting a link inside of it and the last line of the link is being cut off.
To explain for anyone who doesn't know about the framework, it's simple to explain: imagine an element with overflow: hidden, and a link inside that element. That's ALL.
If I put a link inside of this element with overflow: hidden, the last text-decoration line of the link is cut off thanks to overflow: hidden. Without having to resort to padding & margin (and hopefully floats) is there anyway to compensate for that last line being cut off? Chrome seems to get this right, not sure though.
Actually there was another question very similar to this recently, you can see my answer there: Html anchor height issue with unitless line heights
So I don't think there's a solution to your question, but I wanted to note that while Chrome gets it right for overflow hidden, when you use overflow auto it's actually a problem as you'll see in that post.
try to set the line height on the text