I would like a function (using Gregorian calendar rules) given 3⍴⎕TS
would return 1+ the number of days since 1 1 1. EG if the function were named X
X¨ (1 1 1) (1 12 31) (2 12 31) (3 12 31) (4 12 31)
1 365 730 1095 1461
I need this so I can subtract two dates to find the number of days between them.
Please see the following example - function X assumes index origin 1 as follows:
r←X b
r←(0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334)[b[2]]
r←r+b[3]+(365×b[1]-1)+-/⌊(b[1]-3>b[2])÷4 100 400
In Dyalog APL, you can make use of the interpreter's built-in DateToIDN and IDNToDate methods to convert to and from an International Day Number, and thus allow interger math.
You can conveniently package them as follows:
ToIDN ← {⊢ 2 ⎕NQ # 'DateToIDN' , ⍵}
ToDate ← {3 ⍴ 2 ⎕NQ # 'IDNToDate' , ⍵}
Try it online!
The ⊢
is to counter ⎕NQ
being shy, and the 3⍴
is to chop off the weekday number which is appended as a 4th element.
You can additionally define an operator which allows you to operate on dates seamlessly:
Datewise ← {ToDate (ToIDN ⍺) ⍺⍺ ⍵}
Try it online!
Finally, if you are not using Dyalog APL, or if you are interested in the actual formulas to determine the IDN, have a look at the days and date functions from the dfns workspace.