I'm trying to use and understand the Aurelia ValueConverter in the context of a multi-select form. What I thought would be straight forward, has turned out to be a challenge for me.
I have a form to create a new deal which has multiple categories assigned to it via a multi-select input field. I've bound the output from the form into new_deal.categorizations (in the database deals have categories through categorizations).
Right now on create, through a 'brute force' method, I'm converting each category ID into a {category_id: id} object before posting to the API.
Example just logging the POST output:
var categorizations = this.new_deal.categorizations;
this.new_deal.categorizations = categorizations.map(function (e) {
return {category_id: e}
logger.debug ('POST: ', JSON.stringify(this.new_deal));
Example output:
POST: {"name":"new deal","categorizations":[{"category_id":"1"},{"category_id":"2"}]}
But I think this would better be accomplished through a ValueConverter.
Plunker is here with the full code but it's basically:
export class App {
this.categories = [{id: 1, name: 'test1'}, {id: 2, name: 'test2'}];
this.new_deal = {
name: 'new deal',
categorizations: null,
var categorizations = this.new_deal.categorizations;
this.new_deal.categorizations = categorizations.map(function (e) {return {category_id: e}});
logger.debug ('POST: ', JSON.stringify(this.new_deal));
logger.debug ('POST: ', JSON.stringify(this.new_deal));
export class CategoryToIDValueConverter {
fromView(id) {
return id ? id: null;
And app.html:
<h1>Testing ValueConverter</h1>
<h3 >New Brute Force Deal</h3>
<form role="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Ex. Buy One Get One Free" value.bind="new_deal.name">
<select value.bind="new_deal.categorizations" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" value.bind="category.id">${category.name}</option>
<button type="submit" click.delegate="create()">Save</button>
<h3>New ValueConverter Deal</h3>
<form role="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Ex. Buy One Get One Free" value.bind="new_deal.name">
<select class="form-control" value.bind="new_deal.categorizations | categoryToID" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" value.bind="category.id">${category.name}</option>
<button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" click.delegate="create2()">Save</button>
With this I get an output of
POST: {"name":"new deal","categorizations":["1","2"]}
In fromView in app.js, I would think I could change:
return id ? id: null;
To return an object instead of an individual value:
return id ? {category_id: id} : null
But that results in this error:
Uncaught Error: Only null or Array instances can be bound to a multi-select.
Upon further inspection, it looks like id is coming into fromView as an array...
So I modified fromView to this:
fromView(id) {
var categorizations = [];
categorizations.push({category_id: cat_id})
return categorizations;
} else { return null; }
Trying to expect an array, and then build an array of categorization objects to return, but as you can see in this Plunker, it loses the select as you click (though the debug logs show the objects being created).
You have an array of category objects, each having a name
(string) and id
(number). These will be used to populate a select element that allows multiple selection:
export class App {
categories = [
{ id: 1, name: 'test1'},
{ id: 2, name: 'test2'}
<select multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories">${category.name}</option>
The deal object is comprised of a name
(string) and categorizations
. Categorization objects look like this: { category_id: 1 }
export class App {
categories = [
{ id: 1, name: 'test1'},
{ id: 2, name: 'test2'}];
deal = {
name: 'new deal',
categorizations: [],
We want to bind the select element's value to the deal object's categorizations which is an array of objects. This means each of the select element's options need to have a object "value". An HTMLOptionElement's value attribute only accepts strings. Anything we assign to it will be coerced to a string. We can store the categorization object in a special model
attribute which can handle any type. More info on this can be found in the aurelia docs.
<select multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" model.bind="{ category_id: category.id }">${category.name}</option>
Finally we need to bind the select element's value to the deal object's categorizations:
<select value.bind="deal.categorizations" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" model.bind="{ category_id: category.id }">${category.name}</option>
All together, the view and view-model look like this:
export class App {
categories = [
{ id: 1, name: 'test1'},
{ id: 2, name: 'test2'}];
deal = {
name: 'new deal',
categorizations: [],
createDeal() {
alert(JSON.stringify(this.deal, null, 2));
<form submit.delegate="createDeal()">
<input type="text" placeholder="Ex. Buy One Get One Free" value.bind="deal.name">
<select value.bind="deal.categorizations" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" model.bind="{ category_id: category.id }">${category.name}</option>
<button type="submit">Save</button>
Here's a working plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/KO3iFBostdThrHUA0QHY?p=preview
Figured it out with some help from whayes on the Aurelia Gitter channel. So I was on the right track with expecting an array in the fromView method but I also needed a toView method in the ValueConverter.
export class CategoryToIDValueConverter {
if (cats){
var ids = [];
return ids;
} else { return null; }
fromView(id) {
var categorizations = [];
categorizations.push({category_id: cat_id})
return categorizations;
} else { return null; }
I had tried that too, but I initially assumed I needed to add the converter to the select line of the form and the option line, like so:
<select class="form-control" value.bind="new_deal.categorizations | categoryToID" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" value.bind="category.id">${category.name}</option>
But that's actually incorrect. I only needed to apply the categoryToID ValueConverter to the select line and it all worked as expected.
Working Plunker showing how the brute force method doesn't change the model until you click save, and the ValueConverter changes it any time you change the selection.
Final app.js
import {LogManager} from 'aurelia-framework';
let logger = LogManager.getLogger('testItems');
export class App {
this.categories = [{id: 1, name: 'test1'}, {id: 2, name: 'test2'}];
this.new_deal = {
name: 'new deal',
categorizations: [],
setInterval(() => this.debug = JSON.stringify(this.new_deal, null, 2), 100);
var categorizations = this.new_deal.categorizations;
this.new_deal.categorizations = categorizations.map(function (e) {return {category_id: e}});
alert(JSON.stringify(this.new_deal, null, 2));
alert(JSON.stringify(this.new_deal, null, 2));
export class CategoryToIDValueConverter {
if (cats){
var ids = [];
return ids;
} else { return null; }
fromView(id) {
var categorizations = [];
categorizations.push({category_id: cat_id})
return categorizations;
} else { return null; }
Final app.html
<h1>Testing ValueConverter</h1>
<h3 >New Brute Force Deal</h3>
<form role="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Ex. Buy One Get One Free" value.bind="new_deal.name">
<select value.bind="new_deal.categorizations" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" value.bind="category.id">${category.name}</option>
<button type="submit" click.delegate="create()">Save</button>
<h3>New ValueConverter Deal</h3>
<form role="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Ex. Buy One Get One Free" value.bind="new_deal.name">
<select class="form-control" value.bind="new_deal.categorizations | categoryToID" multiple size="2">
<option repeat.for="category of categories" value.bind="category.id">${category.name}</option>
<button type="submit" click.delegate="create2()">Save</button>
<!-- debug -->