I am currently experimenting using the ransack gem
to conduct a search on a model in Rails. As it stands I am using the basic setup.
def index
@q = Person.search(params[:q])
@people = @q.result(:distinct => true)
<%= search_form_for @q do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name_cont %>
<%= f.text_field :name_cont %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
I have managed to find lot of information about conducting searches on multiple fields, however, I haven't managed to find anything to help me to split up the :q
parameter and thereby enable me to search for each of the (unknown quantity of) words in the search string entered in the form of search for ??? AND ??? AND ??? ...
, rather than searching for the entire string in one section
Is anybody able to point me in the right direction?
Here's an answer that uses a custom Ransack predicate:
# config/initializers/ransack.rb
Ransack.configure do |config|
config.add_predicate 'has_any_term',
arel_predicate: 'matches_any',
formatter: proc { |v| v.scan(/\"(.*?)\"|(\w+)/).flatten.compact.map{|t| "%#{t}%"} },
validator: proc { |v| v.present? },
type: :string
Ransack.configure do |config|
config.add_predicate 'has_every_term',
arel_predicate: 'matches_all',
formatter: proc { |v| v.scan(/\"(.*?)\"|(\w+)/).flatten.compact.map{|t| "%#{t}%"} },
validator: proc { |v| v.present? },
type: :string
The search form would use the custom predicate as such:
# In your view
# to search for any of the terms existing in my_field
=search_form_for @search do |f|
=f.search_field :my_field_has_any_term
# to search for all of the terms existing in my_field
=search_form_for @search do |f|
=f.search_field :my_field_has_every_term
Double-quoted terms will be recognized automatically.
Having spent a chunk of time looking into this with no results, I opted for a custom, non-ransack option which works perfectly well.
In View.html.erb
<%= form_tag siteindex_search_allproducts_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<b>Search: </b> <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil %>
<% end %>
In Controller
@findproducts = Allproduct.order('price ASC').search(params[:search])
In model.rb
def self.search(*args)
return [] if args.blank?
cond_text, cond_values = [], []
args.each do |str|
next if str.blank?
cond_text << "( %s )" % str.split.map{|w| "product_name LIKE ? "}.join(" AND ")
cond_values.concat(str.split.map{|w| "%#{w}%"})
all :conditions => [cond_text.join(" AND "), *cond_values]