I have a knockout template binding used to bind list of divs to an observable array:
<div class="menu-instance-entries js-masonry" data-masonry-options='{ "gutter": 20, "itemSelector": ".menu-entry" }' data-bind="template: { name: 'menu-entries-template', foreach: MenuEntries }"></div>
is an observable array that gets a new element "push
ed" into it by a click handler bound to a view model's function.
The layout of the elements in the .menu-instance-entries
container is controlled by the masonry plugin and in order for the manual absolute positioning to take place, one need to call $container.masonry( 'prepended', elements )
passing the elements collection.
I am in control at the point of where observable collections' .push
occures, but I have no idea how to get a jQuery element from a newly created div by template to pass onto a jQuery call to masonry plugin.
What should I do to have the layout updated on knockout element adding via observable array?
You can use the afterAdd or beforeRemove functions of the template binding, I advice against it though because you get dependencies to the DOM from the ViewModel.
Better to create a custom binding that handles the interaction between masonry and KO