I am trying to learn how to use the Acts as Taggable On gem with Rails 5.
I use simple form for forms. I think part of the problem arises out of there not being an association on the models between proposal and randd_fields.
I have models called Proposal and Randd::Field. I am trying to tag proposals with tags which are the :title attribute of the Randd::Field table.
My models have:
class Proposal < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_taggable_on :randd_maturities, :randd_fields, :randd_purposes, :randd_activities
# acts_as_taggable
# acts_as_taggable_on :skills, :interests
(no association on Proposal).
Proposal helper
module ProposalsHelper
include ActsAsTaggableOn::TagsHelper
In my proposal form, I try to add tags:
<%#= f.text_field :randd_field_list, input_type: "textbox", name:"proposal[randd_field_list][]", html_options: { style: 'width: 100%' } %>
<%= f.collection_select :randd_field_list, Randd::Field.order(:title), :id, :title, {}, {multiple: true} %>
The first commented form input field works to allow me to input a tag. However, the tags are text and I can write anything I want. This is not what I want. I want the choice of tags to be the :title attribute defined in my Randd::Field model.
The second option that I tried below does produce a list, but when I try to save it as the randd_field_list on the proposal model, it saves the :id attribute from the Randd::Field table instead of the :title.
When I try deleting the :id component from the form input line, I get an error that says:
{} is not a symbol nor a string
When I then try deleting the {}, from the form input line, I get an error saying:
{multiple: true} is not a symbol nor a string
Can anyone see how to use Acts as Taggable On gem so that the tags are predefined title attributes from the model that serves as the tagging object? I don't want freeform tags.
Proposal controller has:
def proposal_params
params.require(:proposal).permit(:title, :description, :trl_id, randd_maturities_list: [], randd_field_list: [], randd_purposes_list: [], randd_activities_list: [],
Processing by ProposalsController#update as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"Cy
then lower down in that block, this is the selection I made in the form:
"randd_field_list"=>"Aerospace Structures",
Then at the end of that block:
Unpermitted parameters: randd_maturity_list, randd_field_list
(0.1ms) BEGIN
I have tried each of these - none of them work.
<%#= f.text_field :randd_field_list, input_type: "textbox", name:"proposal[randd_field_list][]", html_options: { style: 'width: 100%' } %>
<%#= f.collection_select :randd_field_list, Randd::Field.order(:title), :title, :title, input_html: { multiple: true } %>
<%#= f.input 'randd_field_list',
options_from_collection_for_select(@randd_fields, :title, :title),
multiple: true %>
<%#= f.collection_select 'randd_field_list',
options_from_collection_for_select(@randd_fields, :title, :title),
multiple: true %>
<%= f.input :randd_field_list,:collection => @randd_fields,:label_method => :title,:value_method => :title,:label => "Fields" ,:include_blank => false, :multiple => true %>
The top one works to assign values to the randd_field_list, but it won't allow use of my pre-defined :title attributes on the Randd::Field table to be used as tags.
The rest of the attempts give an unpermitted param error when I try to save the form.
Replace :id
with :title
<%= f.collection_select :randd_field_list, Randd::Field.order(:title), :title, :title, {}, {multiple: true} %>
You want to pass tag.title instead of id as the selected option value. http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormOptionsHelper/collection_select
To solve
Replace :id with :title
Like what Zhong said.
And the problem you are having I think is because your code is singular. Instead it should be plural. Hopes it helps