I would like to replace just the first occurrence of a certain symbol (say '-
) with another symbol (say '+
) inside a list that may contain lists. That is to say,
would turn into '(((+)))
'((-) - b)
into '((+) - b)
Here's another, different option: using mutable state to find out when the first replace has happened:
(define (replace-first)
(let ((found #f))
(define (replacer exp old new)
(cond ((null? exp) '())
((not (pair? exp))
(cond ((and (eq? exp old) (not found))
(set! found #t) new)
(else exp)))
(cons (replacer (car exp) old new)
(replacer (cdr exp) old new)))))
((replace-first) '(((-))) '- '+)
=> '(((+)))
((replace-first) '((-) - b) '- '+)
=> '((+) - b)
((replace-first) '(+ 1 2) '+ '-)
=> '(- 1 2)
((replace-first) '((+) 1 2) '+ '-)
=> '((-) 1 2)
((replace-first) '(1 2 ((+)) 3 4) '+ '-)
=> '(1 2 ((-)) 3 4)
((replace-first) '() '+ '-)
=> '()
((replace-first) '(1 2 ((((((+ 3 (+ 4 5)))))))) '+ '-)
=> '(1 2 ((((((- 3 (+ 4 5))))))))
As Will Ness pointed out (thanks!), my original answer is wrong. See below for an updated answer.
Seems like continuation-passing style would be helpful here.
As this solution traverses the (possibly nested) list, it keeps track of the position via a continuation function k
, which is used to "escape" when the given symbol is found.
#lang racket
(define (replace-first lst old new)
(let LOOP ([lst lst] [k (λ (x) x)]) ; invariant: (k lst) produces orig list
(if (null? lst)
(k null)
(let ([fst (car lst)])
(cond [(pair? fst) (LOOP fst (λ (x) (k (cons x (cdr lst)))))]
[(eq? fst old) (k (cons new (cdr lst)))]
[else (LOOP (cdr lst) (λ (x) (k (cons fst x))))])))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (replace-first '() '- '+) '())
(check-equal? (replace-first '(*) '- '+) '(*))
(check-equal? (replace-first '(-) '- '+) '(+))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((-)) '- '+) '((+)))
(check-equal? (replace-first '(((-))) '- '+) '(((+))))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((-) - b) '- '+) '((+) - b)))
My original answer only descended into nested lists but did not know how to come back up to keep checking the rest of the list(s). To fix this, I added a backtracking thunk that remembers where we were before diving into a nested list so we can resume from there if needed.
#lang racket
(define (replace-first lst old new)
; invariant: (k lst) produces orig list
(let LOOP ([lst lst] [k (λ (x) x)] [back (λ () lst)])
(if (null? lst)
(let ([fst (car lst)])
(cond [(pair? fst)
(LOOP fst
(λ (x) (k (cons x (cdr lst))))
(λ () (LOOP (cdr lst) (λ (x) (k (cons fst x))) back)))]
[(eq? fst old) (k (cons new (cdr lst)))]
[else (LOOP (cdr lst) (λ (x) (k (cons fst x))) back)])))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (replace-first '() '- '+) '())
(check-equal? (replace-first '(*) '- '+) '(*))
(check-equal? (replace-first '(-) '- '+) '(+))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((-)) '- '+) '((+)))
(check-equal? (replace-first '(((-))) '- '+) '(((+))))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((-) - b) '- '+) '((+) - b))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((((11 2) 3 4) a) 6) 'a 'b)
'((((11 2) 3 4) b) 6))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((((11 2) 3 4) (c a a)) 6) 'a 'b)
'((((11 2) 3 4) (c b a)) 6))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((((11 2) 3 4) ((c (d e) (f a)))) 6) 'a 'b)
'((((11 2) 3 4) ((c (d e) (f b)))) 6))
(check-equal? (replace-first '((((11 2) a 4) c) 6) 'a 'b)
'((((11 2) b 4) c) 6)))
Here is a short-and-sweet version:
(define (replace-one list old new)
(cond ((pair? list)
(let ((next (replace-one (car list) old new)))
(cons next
(if (equal? next (car list)) ; changed?
(replace-one (cdr list) old new) ; no, recurse on rest
(cdr list))))) ; yes, done
((eq? list old) new)
(else list)))
> (replace-one '(+ 1 2) '+ '-)
(- 1 2)
> (replace-one '((+) 1 2) '+ '-)
((-) 1 2)
> (replace-one '(1 2 ((+)) 3 4) '+ '-)
(1 2 ((-)) 3 4)
> (replace-one '() '+ '-)
> (replace-one '(1 2 ((((((+ 3 (+ 4 5)))))))) '+ '-)
(1 2 ((((((- 3 (+ 4 5))))))))
Nobody is going to have code shorter than this!!
Here's another approach than those of the previous answers. Instead of mutation, CPS, or calling equal?
on the results of recursion, it uses a second return value to keep track whether a replacement happend.
(define (deep-replace-first lst old new)
(define (old-car)
(let-values ([(new-cdr replaced?)
(deep-replace-first (cdr lst) old new)])
(if replaced?
(values (cons (car lst) new-cdr) #t)
(values lst #f))))
(cond [(null? lst) (values '() #f)]
[(pair? (car lst))
(let-values ([(new-car replaced?)
(deep-replace-first (car lst) old new)])
(if replaced?
(values (cons new-car (cdr lst)) #t)
[(eqv? (car lst) old) (values (cons new (cdr lst)) #t)]
[else (old-car)]))