I have a Persons table and an Events table that are related via an Attends table, such that a record exists the Attends table when I wish to record the fact that a person is due to attend a particular Event in a particular role (e.g. organiser, etc.):
| id | surname |
| 1 | Robinson |
| 2 | Savage |
| id | name |
| 1 | Half Term Competition |
| 2 | Christmas Competition |
| eventId | personId | roleId |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 6 |
I want to produce a list of who is going and what they are doing at an event, but I can't find a way of doing it using .join() in Vapor query. It seems that you can filter on the joined table, but not include any of the fields. Am I missing something or is this impossible?
I've tried many variations on the theme of:
Person.join(Attends.self).filter(Attends.self,Event.foreignIdKey == eventId)
I get the correct Person records, but no way of accessing what their 'role' is from the joined Attends record.
If I do a raw query, then it returns a Node representation. I can easily view this using Leaf, but it is not at all obvious how to iterate over it in the way I would like to generate a PDF with images, etc.
The Vapor docs for Fluent relations is probably what you are looking for.
From what I can tell, you are using a Many to Many (sibling) relation, so this code might be what you want:
extension Persion {
var roles: Siblings<Persion, Role, Pivot<Person, Role>> {
return siblings()
Then get the roles:
let roles = person.roles.all()
I might have got this wrong as I can't see your code, but it should give you some pointers.
The trick here is to make sure you are taking advantage of joins in the database and not doing individual queries for each relation result - which would not be optimal.
I think this is a fairly new(ly documented) feature: https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/fluent/querying/#join
This allows the following type of query:
Client.query(on: conn).join(\Client.companyId, to: \Company.id)
.filter(\.attr1 > 12)
.filter(\Company.name == "ACME")
This code returns a tuple of (Client,Company). I'm not sure how it handles many-to-one relations or whether each duplicate reference is the same class instance.