msgpack unserialising dict key strings to bytes

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-14 12:37:27


I am having issues with msgpack in python. It seems that when serialising a dict, if the keys are strings str, they are not unserialised properly and causing KeyError exceptions to be raised.


>>> import msgpack
>>> d = dict()
>>> value = 1234
>>> d['key'] = value
>>> binary = msgpack.dumps(d)
>>> new_d = msgpack.loads(binary)
>>> new_d['key']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'key'

This is because the keys are not strings after calling loads() but are unserialised to bytes objects.

>>> d.keys()
>>> new_d.keys()

It seems this is related to a unimplemented feature as mentioned in github

My question is, Is there a way to fix this issue or a work around to ensure that the same keys can be used upon deserialisation?

I would like to use msgpack but if I cannot build a dict object with str keys and expect to be able to use the same key upon deserilisation, it becomes useless.


A default encoding is set when calling dumps or packb

:param str encoding:
 |      Convert unicode to bytes with this encoding. (default: 'utf-8')

but it is not set by default when calling loads or unpackb as seen in:

Help on built-in function unpackb in module msgpack._unpacker:

    unpackb(... encoding=None, ... )

Therefore changing the encoding on the deserialisation fixes the issue, for example:

>>> d['key'] = 1234
>>> binary = msgpack.dumps(d)
>>> msgpack.loads(binary, encoding = "utf-8")
{'key': 1234}
>>> msgpack.loads(binary, encoding = "utf-8") == d


Try the following:

def c_msgpackloads(bin):
    new_d = msgpack.loads(bin)
    new_d = {key.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(key, bytes) else key: new_d[key].decode('utf-8') if isinstance(new_d[key], bytes) else new_d[key] for key in new_d}
    return new_d

It's a custom loading function that loads the dict and automatically encodes bytes keys and values to utf-8 strings.

